Scheduling Made Easy with the Best Free Online Calendar

Scheduling Made Easy with the Best Free Online Calendar

Scheduling Made Easy with the Best Free Online Calendar

Scheduling Made Easy with the Best Free Online Calendar

Simple, shareable calendars that keep you on track.

Simple, shareable calendars that keep you on track.

free online calendar free online calendar free online calendar free online calendar free online calendar

Create an account and download the free Keep&Share app

Keep&Share calendars make it easy for you to stay up-to-date and organized, no matter where you are. You can build your free online calendar in minutes.

Plus, it’s easy to share with others so everyone is on schedule.

calendar week view calendar week view calendar week view calendar week view calendar week view

Office calendar week view

Calendar Features:

  24/7 Access

Access & edit your calendar from any device, anywhere, 24/7. Keep&Share is a 100% web-based cloud system.


You can add almost anything to your calendar. Icons, links, tags, attached files, attached addresses, maps, reminders, bold text, & pages of detailed notes.

  Advanced Color-Coding

Choose from our default event text colors and highlights, or choose your own custom event colors. Event Tags and custom color themes help you color-code activities, appointments, and holidays.

  Easy Sharing

Invite others to view your calendar, whether or not they have a Keep&Share account. Share privately or publicly.

  Share with Groups

Easily invite others by adding their email address to the Share Control. Organize your invitees into friends, or groups that you can share with all at once.

  Drag-n-Drop Rescheduling

Quickly reschedule your events by dragging and dropping them to a new date, or use our day grid to adjust the time and length of your events.

mobile free online calendar mobile free online calendar mobile free online calendar mobile free online calendar mobile free online calendar

  Repeating Events

Create events that last multiple days and can repeat every day, week, month, or year — or even on advanced schedules like the first Friday of the month, biweekly, 3 days a week, and more.

  Event Reminders

Never miss another appointment & set up automatic email reminders for any of your events.

  Print Calendar PDFs

Your Keep&Share calendar prints beautifully with many more printing options than most online calendars offer, including multiple views (Day, Week, Month, Year).

  Instant Notifications

You and your team can be alerted automatically of any changes made to appointments, events, assignments, & more. Get notifications by email or text message.

  Safe & Secure

Multi-layered sharing & privacy options keep you in control of "Who sees what" at all times. No one sees your content without your permission.

  Free for Life

Keep&Share is 100% free: no subscription of any kind is required. And by the way, we do not add advertising in your calendar nor do we alter it in any way.

What users are saying about us:

Flexible Views

We offer 5 different calendar views so that you have maximum flexibility on how to display your events. You can:

  • Choose day, week, month, year, or event as your default view
  • Choose to include or not include weekends
  • Choose how many days or weeks at a time you want to see
  • Choose what day you want your week to start on
  • In Day View you can choose what time intervals you want to show (every hour, 45 min, 30 min, 10 min, etc.)
  • Year view lets you display a yearly schedule with daily entries
  • Tag Timeline view lets you display your schedule according to color-coded tag categories
calendar month view

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