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In Praise of More Money

From Ben Franklin's book, A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of Paper Currency (1729)


First, A great Want of Money in any Trading Country, occasions Interest to be at a very high Rate. And here it may be observed, that it is impossible by any Laws to restrain Men from giving and receiving exorbitant Interest, where Money is suitably scarce: For he that wants Money will find out Ways to give 10 per cent when he cannot have it for less, altho' the Law forbids to take more than 6 per cent. Now the Interest of Money being high is prejudicial to a Country several Ways: It makes Land bear a low Price, because few Men will lay out their Money in Land, when they can make a much greater Profit by lending it out upon Interest: And much less will Men be inclined to venture their Money at Sea, when they can, without Risque or Hazard, have a great and certain Profit by keeping it at home; thus Trade is discouraged. And if in two Neighbouring Countries the Traders of one, by Reason of a greater Plenty of Money, can borrow it to trade with at a lower Rate than the Traders of the other, they will infallibly have the Advantage, and get the great est Part of that Trade into their own Hands; For he that trades with Money he hath borrowed at 8 or 10 per cent cannot hold Market with him that borrows his Money at 6 or 4. On the contrary, A plentiful Currency will occasion Interest to be low: And this will be an Inducement to many to lay out their Money in Lands, rather than put it out to Use, by which means Land will begin to rise in Value and bear a better Price: And at the same Time it will tend to enliven Trade exceedingly, because People will find more Profit in employing their Money that Way than in Usury; and many that understand Business very well, but have not a Stock sufficient of their own, will be encouraged to borrow Money; to trade with, when they can have it at a moderate Interest.


Now, a reminder of who Benjamin Franklin was, with hints of his overall agenda.


Benjamin Franklin, who was the head of the American Freemasons in various capacities, and also the head of the Rosicrucian's and a number of other secret occult groups was also a member of the Hell Fire Club. Benjamin Franklin’s Satanism was not mentioned in my Be Wise As Serpents book, but he was an important Satanist who was part of the Order of the Quest--that is the group which has been entrusted with the plans for bringing in the New World Order of Satan. Remember that John Jacob Astor was very involved with Freemasonry, as were a number of his intimate friends such as N.Y. Governor DeWitt Clinton and General John A. Armstrong. In regards to the Hell Fire Club, the Earl of Sandwich, Benjamin Franklin and Sir Francis Dashwood were leaders in the Hell Fire Club and were also Post-Master Generals of the British Postal Service, All were Freemasons too. Their positions as Post-Master Generals allowed them total access to the mail, and allowed them to spy on the communications of the 18th century. The man who became Post-Master General after Dashwood, who moved on to be a M.P, in the Br. Parliament, was the Mason John Wilkes. John Wilkes took over in 1766 (in 1774 was Lord Mayor of London). Wilkes then brought one of the original Hell Fire Club members, a friend of his Willis Hill to help with the Postal Service. The next Post-Master general was the totally corrupt man the Earl of Sandwich, who served until 1771. Benjamin Franklin spent the summers of 1772, 1773, and 1774 at Dashwood’s estate in West Wycombe. The caves under Dashwood’s estate at West Wycombe were used for satanic sexual rituals, which were participated in by Benjamin Franklin.


From: Bloodlines of the Illuminati


Also, unabashed advocate of dollar, central banking, NWO and 1 currency, 1 bank see

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