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Meeting-000 Schedule


STATUS as of 9/24 20:00:

Location:  Pioneer Courthouse Starbucks ( TENTATIVE

Time: 7 October 2012, 15:00 - 18:00 CONFLICTED

Posted by Jevelyan September 6 at 7:33 PM about the first meeting on Sunday, 14 October 2012?


Saturdays are usually filled w/ other things, though I could handle them infrequently.  What about everybody else?

Posted by Jennifer Bogartz September 6 at 8:13 PM

Sunday, 14th of October would work for me.

Posted by Nate Sullivan September 6 at 8:47 PM

Oct 14 works for me. Beaverton or Hillsboro Libraries work, although Beaverton is probably more central.

Posted by Philip September 6 at 11:56 PM

Sundays are generally quite limited for me, but I can make it 3pm - 6:30pm if needed.


And I'll be coming from Vancouver, so Beaverton would be less of a trip from my end.

Posted by Jevelyan September 9 at 10:23 PM

Long story short, library room use has some limit$ (https://apps.beavertonoregon...).


Maybe, just for the 1st meet, we should meet at any public place to brainstorm a coffee shop?  Other ideas? Anyone know of an accommodating school/college, initially &/or a group home?


Times also should be determined by consensus. But for the 1st, I'm still thinking Sunday for lower foot traffic in whichever public place.


So, how about a Starbucks or a mom-&-pop equivalent in Beaverton or closer to Vancouver on Sunday 14 October at 3pm?

Posted by Jevelyan September 12 at 8:51 PM

With or w/o confirmation on AI (Philip?) or PCC (Nate?) there are still other things for group discussions that can’t fit in this forum.  How about our initial meeting at Pioneer Courthouse Starbucks ( on 10/14, 3pm?

Posted by Philip September 13 at 11:13 PM

How about an unofficial meeting at Starbucks 1 week early, the 7th of October at 3pm?

Posted by Jevelyan September 14 at 7:35 PM

I can do that.

Posted by Nate Sullivan September 16 at 8:39 AM

Sounds like a good idea. I'll be there.

Posted by Jennifer Bogartz September 16 at 8:07 PM

Alex and I will be there!

Posted by upretirementman September 24 at 1:06 PM

Sunday's are a bad deal for me. I cannot come unless the time is after !:00 pm and done by 4:00 pm. Sorry.

Posted by Philip September 24 at 4:55 PM


Ok, what other days/times are you available?

Posted by Nate Sullivan September 24 at 10:57 PM

Do many in Portland make it up to SeaBUG? It looks like it's on Oct 6 (Sat) coming up? Do those with Sunday conflicts prefer Sat?

Posted by Philip September 24 at 10:57 PM

Generally I would prefer Saturdays over Sundays (but I can make Sundays work for me, although for a limited time).



Creation date: Sep 24, 2012 7:10pm     Last modified date: Sep 24, 2012 9:58pm   Last visit date: Sep 19, 2024 2:58am