It is right for you to vote
You have a right to vote
You even have a responsibility to vote....
but you do not have a right to vote however you want..
Because you have a responsibility to vote in accordance with the law.
"What!" you say, "voting is what makes the law the law. No one knows what the law should be until they count the votes after the election, then the law, which is the will of We The People, will become known."
Actually, there is a cause and effect principle greater in power or authority than the will of any quantity of human beings, be it the will of dictator, congress, or plebiscite. Humans have the ability to choose actions within a limited range of possibilities. They have no power to control the consequences of those actions. Just like there are physical/material laws, so there are spiritual/moral laws. If this, then that. Actions according to this higher cause-and-effect law are blessed with life, freedom and prosperity. Actions contrary are cursed with slavery, poverty, and death. It doesn't matter how many men believe and act in accordance with things that are not true, or things that are wrong. The greater the deviation from the good, the greater the destruction.
Next week (Nov. 2012) we will vote for a President. My friends excoriate me, fearful that I am going to throw away my vote and dilute the mutual strength of Conservatives who must confederate with all possible co-belligerents (who believe contrary things) -- so as to be a greater multitude than those who agree that Obama should be free for another 4 years to encourage his agenda.
But if a majority does not make right why are we so eager to make up a majority? Is it that by being numerous, we will exercise more Might? Who will argue, now, that Might makes right?
Would it be more “right” to have Obama in office, or Ron Paul? Or, if our hoped-for coalition succeeds, will it be more right to have Romney in office (as in, “we should put rmoney where our mouth is?). There are at least a couple ways we could arrive at which man is the “right” man to have in office.
If the right man to have in office is the one who gets the most votes, then Obama is the right man. So why would we want to change that? Since he has proved to be the “right” man, then we should not err by trying to vote for someone else. We all know that when we go to vote, we are obligated to vote for the right officer or law. The difficulty is that we cannot know what is right to vote for, because we don’t know what the Majority will vote for.
If “CONTRADICTION” hasn't popped up in your mind yet, maybe you should start over from the top. I am hoping at least some of you reading this are catching on to understand that no one really believes in the Democratic principle of defining what is right – because it is impossible to believe and implement. It is impossible because it is inherently contradictory. This is why Satan’s promise that men could define Good and Evil out from themselves, or on their own authority – can never be kept.
Every election time, we are experiencing the same temptations as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. At that time, there were least 4 persons in the Universe (not counting the multitudes of good and evil angels that might have been observing). By order of earthly ranking, we have God, the creator and owner of everything; Adam, whom God had put in charge of Earth; Eve, Adam’s co-dominator of earth; and Satan-in-the-serpent, the rebel cast out of heaven for trying to exalt himself above God.
The least-in-rank approaches the next-least-in-rank and assures her that “really living” involves creating your own law, your own cause-and-effect consequences for your actions. God had said, “If you do this – consequence is you will die”. Satan says, “No, if you do this, you will discover that you can choose whatever consequences you want for your actions. You don’t have to settle for accepting the consequences God wants you to have.” You know the trail of lie/steal/murder that leads from that Fall right up to the thought processes occurring in our own brains right now. Adam and Eve ended up with the consequences God promised and not the ones Satan promised.
Things haven’t changed. Ps. 2 illustrates this as well…
Why are the nations in an uproar
And the peoples devising a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth take their stand
And the rulers take counsel together
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
3 “Let us tear their fetters apart
And cast away their cords from us!”
Those who rebel against the Lord’s Christ, do so by contradicting God’s Law. They say the consequence God promises will not happen, we can chose – we can create the consequences for ourselves”. The Christian, with Bible in hand, may not have the human authority to tell you how you should think and vote – but, he is obligated to point to the consequences your voting – so that after you try to choose your own “reality” and get burned – you will “hear and fear” the God who created consequences.
There was adequate evidence before Obama was elected that he was a capital criminal. “Capital” means, that God will bring cursing upon any society that refuses to put such a one to death. It is less clear at the moment that Romney is a capital criminal, but that will come out in time. It seems clear to me that he is already aiding, abetting, approving, and defending Players in our political spectrum that are capital criminals. [check out his governor's record on homosexuality and abortion]
Before we are worried about whom we personally think we should vote for this late in the game, we should consider what it would take to arrive at Election Day, with good Statesmen for candidates, and an informed and righteous majority who would vote for the correct candidate. And even more important than that is how we vote all the years around. Presidents preside over enforcement of law. What kind of laws will the populace desire, support, ignore, or resist? Obama would be no threat to life or freedom if everyone resisted or ignored his agenda. What if policemen and soldiers didn’t carry out the policy? Think of Ron Paul. If by some miracle he turned up president on Jan 22, would the majority carry out his policies? Would the International Bankers and the Wall Street criminals shrug it off, “Oh, well” and seek honest employment elsewhere? Would the personnel deployed throughout the 700 US military bases in various nations say, “Yay!, Let’s all go home and compete with all the other Servicemen trying to find a job in the recession.” What about highly paid Federal employees in the Departments of Counterproductive Busybodies that he would lay off? Yet we hear that Ron Paul has very strong support in the military branches.
Neither of the two men before us can save the nation. There are Principles that can't help saving the nation if the nation is willing to be obedient to those principles. There has already been, and is -- a Man who has saved the nation (and all nations), and, to the degree that Ron Paul's principles align with the law of That Man -- obedience to that Law can be the weapon to dash out the teeth of the wicked and break the arm of their power – but only by the obedience of the People to those laws.
Mostly, because the Right Hand of Their Power, is the eagerness of the People to use law and human legality to divest their neighbor's of their property and freedom (and lives, if victims are sufficiently powerless and unseen).
Why is it that we cannot vote for whoever we want? Because there is one Lawgiver and Judge Who has said...
Ex 23:1 "You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. 2 You shall not follow the masses in doing evil, nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after a multitude in order to pervert justice; 3 nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his dispute.
Only the Creator, the God of the Bible, has the right to hold men responsible to take away the life, freedom, and property of their human neighbor upon proper conviction of specified behaviors. It has never been up to the freedom of any voting block. This has to be true of all human laws, and the principle carries over to electing any human office holder.
It is true, in human society, practicality (if nothing else) forces us to choose leaders for ourselves and commission them as officers in various capacities. But God restricts us to only place the men over us, which He has chosen.
Dt. 17:15 you shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses, one from among your countrymen you shall set as king over yourselves; you may not put a foreigner over yourselves who is not your countryman.
Now I know, with Obama, we are tempted to be indignant about this "Countryman" part after the "natural-born citizen" concern. Our original text really was special application for Israel ~1000 BC that we cannot duplicate, but there was also a still-valid principle here that we only discount at our peril. "Countryman" was the translator's way of infusing context here to the simple Hebrew word "brother". It meant a covenant-member, faithful to the worship of Yahweh, and holding a brother-like relationship with his fellow-believer citizens. The special sense was that there had already been a promise and responsibility to crown a king from among the tribe of (Brother) Judah, from which would come David, and his distant Son, Jesus.
But the first thing to apply to our presidential candidate, is that he -- if not being an adherent to a Biblical and Christian Faith, recognizing the earthly Civil Emperorship of the Risen, enthroned, God-Man Jesus Christ -- at least ought to be a covenant-keeper according to a (supposedly religiously-neutral) resonance with the Declaration of Independence that testified to the American foundation of God-given, non-transferable rights of life, freedom, and family ownership of property.
And not just a New right-before-the-campaign Believer like Candidate Romney. If that is obscure reasoning, at least try to see that, when God said He required us to place over us men that He has chosen, He at least gave us principles to grade and scale the kind of men He, in His grace, would place over us for our blessing.
Ex 18:20 then teach them the statutes and the laws, and make known to them the way in which they are to walk and the work they are to do. 21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens. 22 Let them judge the people at all times; and let it be that every major dispute they will bring to you, but every minor dispute they themselves will judge. So it will be easier for you, and they will bear the burden with you.
When it comes to meeting these criteria, Ron Paul fails. The only possibilities worse than he are the other candidates. Even he still fails on these four points.
1. An Able Man. I might have missed it, because I haven't been that hard up for entertainment to follow the campaign very closely, but I have never heard Mitt express an understanding of the Job Description of an American president. Ron Paul has demonstrated and testified to understanding the various facets of the Constitutional duties, responsibilities, and limitations, as well as correct State/Nation relationship considerations. Remember how we continually ask ourselves: “Are they that stupid, or are they really traitors?” If they are not criminals, the only other logical conclusion is that they are incompetent. The Able Officer is going to be able to discern the innocent from the guilty, and to lead men in helping make sure the innocent are protected and the guilty punished. I have never heard Mitt hint at the desperately-needed rebuke of the grand larcenous heart of the Nation and demonstrate that he understood what we have really been doing wrong and why God has been cursing our efforts. No, the National Convention was all like, "You poor, victimized, downtrodden, hard-working people who have been abused by the Other Party -- We are going to (if we can raise our languishing military budget a little more) fight for you and make sure you don't suffer any side-effects from being so stupid and greedy". In fact, hasn't Mr. Romney recently been presiding over the State of Massachusetts? How has that region fared at rolling back the Welfare State and preserving family values? It doesn’t seem like the Massachusetts example recommends him. I don't think he is able. The nation is under judgment because the majority have preferred injustice to God’s Justice, therefore, they will get God’s justice – but they will think it is not “fair”.
2. Who Fears God: The heads of all nations report to the Emperor, by definition. A good Mormon is expected to think that Emperor is just Lucifer's wimpy, less-aggressive brother out of a quasi-material polygamous household. If Romney truly recognized the true God in Jesus of Nazareth, he would not tickle the ears of our rebellious "republic" and ignore the blows of God's judgment that have been smarting for so long already, in warning of greater calamity right around the corner. If he feared God, he would warn us that the nation -- in its enthusiasm over promoting capital crimes -- is on death row, and unless we all repent, we will "all likewise perish". More could be said.
3. Men of Truth: I'm sure those who have followed Romney could say much more here. I know he has got to know he cannot do the things he is promising. He can't be where he is and not know better. Even I know anyone who touches Social Security will be as dead as Uzzah who reached out to steady the Ark of the Covenant. I have watched SS/Medicare reform-talk dissipate like morning fog for 5 years. None of the other presidents and congresses could touch it, but now he will make sure it will be there for all of us?
He has to know he cannot hope to arrest the budget acceleration.
He has to know he cannot raise taxes, (cut loopholes - whatever) enough to matter without killing the economy.
He has to know the inflationary results of the ECB and Federal Reserve bragging that they will be monetizing sovereign debt without limits for the foreseeable future.
As almost-president he already has to know details about Inter-National affairs that would scare us to death. Yet he speaks as one of the foolish women speak. But mainly, the reason I know he is not a good man and true: is the way he allowed the 2012 national Republican Convention leadership to exile democratic process (if not the entire principle of American grassroots self-governance). The only explanation I can imagine for the Team blacking-out Ron Paul’s Name, Principles, and adequate legitimate delegates – is either because they thought they really were in danger of losing the nomination to a revival of those Principles (I don’t know anyone who seriously thinks there was a snowball’s chance),
Or –
Just outright hubris – they knew they could get away with it and they were just rubbing it in our faces. Even if the lackeys were simply dishonest cowards and bullies and didn’t really fathom the magnitude of what they were doing – the fact that the Nominee would let them do that totally destroys any hope I might have had that, as president, he could honestly lead the American People and offer any reforming influence on our Congress and Court. I cannot trust the man. How could I help be attracted to another man (Ron Paul) on the national stage that has been consistent for 30 years?
4. Hates dishonest gain. After reading the Republican platform and hearing Romney’s enduring enthusiasm for tax-supported education, I am certain they don’t understand the myriad of popular ways men take advantage of Law to steal from their neighbors. Government cannot do education unless we are sharecroppers on their land, and we willingly pass up to them the rent-money they charge to lease us – their slaves – out to serve our employers and customers. There would be no resources to provide Government Ed unless Government claims our labor and property. Growing, restoring, reforming, or perpetuating this failed “experiment” will guarantee failure of any other kind of reforms. This is all besides the parasitic Public Unions, which are killing the Host. Encouragingly, Romney does talk about cutting some entitlement programs. I don’t think he is telling us the truth about the math. If we cannot bring ourselves to require double-restitution from those who have stolen – especially if they have used human legality to have the “righteous” law steal for them – even a president cannot save us. And I see zero evidence that either of these candidates intend to save us from a comfortable allotment of entitlements to our neighbors’ property.
Of course, Ron Paul would never be able to cut these entitlements either. The nation would refuse to relinquish them over his dead body. And dead is what would happen to any president who might make a serious attempt to cut, from the top down, these dishonest gains we love so well. But, at least, Ron Paul understands “Strike the Root”. He sees that the Grand Mal entitlement of all is the mass public blessing and tolerance of fiat-currency issuance and fractional-reserve banking practices. Wanting to get rid of wasteful, counter-productive wealth-transfer programs is very commendable, but unless the money problem at the root of it all is solved, the nations will still be tossed around as the rag-doll of the Banker/Owners. I do not hear Mitt threatening to challenge the Money Powers, and asking Congress for legalization of the substance and measures of honest trade. As long as international bankers control the value of all the money in the world through supposedly increasing its quantities (really, they can create nothing)– There will be little honest gain, and those able men of truth who fear God will be more strongly tempted to escape into hiding than to volunteer for national office.
Which brings me to my last puzzlement. Any Able, Man of Truth, would not have any enthusiasm at all for presiding over this Ruin. Why would Romney want to suffer through the impending horror of the next 4 years and the inevitable blame for it? Has he forgotten how they treated the last "Republican" president (Bush Bashing)?
Consider where the nation was in 2009. Is the bag this next president will be holding for the next years smell any less rotten than the one Obama complains Bush left him? I’m not defending Bush’s record or character, but even his high-water-mark deficit of 400 billion was less than half of any of the Obama years of Trillion-Plus official deficits (not that the Real Accrual One isn’t much larger). How can you trust a man who is this ignorant of history and economics (not to even consider what it might mean, that he expects to benefit out of this unavoidable disaster)?
And finally….you can relax that my one-vote failure to strengthen Romney over Obama will plunge the Nation into irretrievable ruin. For one thing, the State of Oregon is always too late to have any possible deciding influence on a presidential election (something about being on the Left-Coast time zone). I would like to carry that memory that I voted, not for the Man, but for the Principles of the fallen, sinful man who has proved himself the least offensive in those God-Spoken requirements for Office.
able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain
I suppose I will finally end up voting for some president, like I spend 1 minute voting for one every 4 years (while I have been watching “conservative” Christian, Constitutional, American principles failing to be conserved for the last 30 years). But consider this, almost every hour of every day, every adult male has an input-equivalent of some kind of vote – for or against – complicity with-, rebellion against-, passive acceptance of-, or push-back reform of– human laws that have some kind of relationship with the Laws of the Creator God and Judge of all mankind.
How we work, what we read, hear, and think; how we live and move and have our being – is in relationship to God’s laws, and (in a lesser way) having a constant influence upon those around us. Thankfully, Reform and Reconstruction is not limited to the 4 minutes of voting (after 14 months of entertainment blathering about which President the Illuminati are going to foist on the nation this time) every 4 years. Reforming the System is about whom I am going to believe, whom I am going to serve, and whom I think has the eternal power and goodness to judge all men.
If Jesus of Nazareth is your preferred candidate for lawgiver, judge, and king, then vote for Him and follow Him all your years long.
But if not, then follow Evil, and I sincerely wish upon you the least of all Evils. As a historian, though, I must remind you that it will never cease to work out – If you will not release the King of the Jews to have the freedom to exercise His imperial Crown Rights, you will find yourself slave-bound under Bar-Abbas, the thief who commits murder in the insurrection.
No leader can help the nation who insists on enslaving itself under the Bankers who end up controlling everything. No reform can come in this area until men realize that when they "deposit money" in the banking system they are handing their wealth to wicked men who purpose to use that wealth as a smoke screen to increase quantities of the money unit in the world. This inflating of the money stock reduces the value of the prior money, which steals wealth from the prior money-holders, but without possibility of detection, apprehension, or prosecution.
When we go to the banking system and ask to borrow, we are asking them to make up money out of nothing and charge us rent on it. In either case, we are aiding and abetting an enterprise, which lies and steals. If we accept a benefit in exchange for seeing no evil, hearing no evil, or warning of no evil -- it is called a bribe. A bribe blinds the man who receives it. This is an hour of unprecedented global blindness in the area of money. The blindness is so deep; it may take 5 to 10 years for someone to come to the realization of the moral nature of what is going on (like it does me).
No leader can help the nation who insists on living on the efforts and wealth of others through the force of law. Until we are willing to say to government agencies at all levels: "no thanks, I don't want your money, your food stamps, your rent subsidy, your retirement/disability/tax-credit/unemployment check, your free education, your blocking my market competition, or your health care. I don't even want you to rob my neighbor to pay for murdering my child in the womb." If, instead, you prefer a leader who insists, "No, these are all good and necessary things. You have a right to them." Then you have accepted a new lawgiver, judge, and king. You have said, "man is god", and done it in a practical objective way.
Those children whom God, the creator of all life, has given you, you have taken and dedicated to a human ruling body you don't even understand (the Social Security Administration?) through a covenant that will require them to acknowledge their bondage to these humans by paying a lifetime tribute of more than 150% of the tribute that the God of the Bible requires of us.
You have said, by your faith and actions, that Men, contrary to the laws revealed by the Creator God of the Bible, are Stronger, in being able to secure your life, freedom, and prosperity -- in spite of the Bible's warning for what will really happen. You say men are more gracious, and more just than the God of the Bible, when they steal for you by the use of badges and guns. And they have the gall to call that social justice. But the true God is Pro-Choice. He will give two options to those nations committed to such idolatry.
You may crouch among the captives, or fall among the slain.
We already have the captives. Since the War Between the States, we are all slaves on someone else's land. The US has more prisoners per capita than any other nation on earth, including the Communists. Now comes the slain. Now come the death-panels necessary to ration the government health care. We simply can't afford to keep everyone alive. Now comes the riots and starvation as trade stops because a sufficient minority of people wakes up to the fact that there has not existed any thing as money for America for 40 years. The government does not have any. A hole in the ground is not the same thing as a mountain. When you thought you had money in a bank account, all that was happening is that the bank "says they owe you" something that cannot be paid. It can't be identified, defined, measured, falsified, or verified. This is a lie for the purpose of stealing. We are already crouching among the captives.
You can try to think it will be my fault Obama gets another 4 years to destroy the country. I will ask why it isn’t the “fault” of the majority that voted for him. Maybe you will breathe a sigh of relief when Romney comes out the winner. You can go back to sleep confident that conservatism and Christian values have triumphed, as it did during the Reagan and Bush years.
I think you can see we are kidding ourselves. So what would we have to do to persuade enough people to think correctly as they approach these elections? The standard themes have all failed us, and the Bible tells us why.
Constitution says WeThePeople shall be as gods, deciding good and evil for ourselves.
Democracy says the Majority shall be as gods, deciding good and evil for ourselves.
Person Freedom says the Individual shall be as god, deciding good and evil for himself.
In contrast to these, we have the Gospel. Gospel was an old word that referred to the announcement that a new emperor had taken his throne over the empire. Old debts and injustices would be cancelled and a new, prosperous era of justice had begun. The Emperor has come and been seated. You are His ambassadors in country after country. You advise the locals what will happen if they defy the Emperor by ignoring His laws, by punishing the innocent, and acquitting the guilty. He will take away that nation and rent it out to new tenants who will pay tribute on time. Those responsible men will pay their tribute in substance their Creator has created and not pretend to deal with fiat currency units, which are nothing and promise nothing.
I recommend you start using honest money.
There is only one other kind.