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Mass Murder Potporri Bin Laden Bldg 7 Barry Jennings Physics NIST

September 29, 2009

David Ray Griffin on The Peter Collins Show, 29.09.2009 - Teil 2/10

Peter B Collins talks one on one with Prof. David Ray Griffin, focusing on the two most recent of his 35 books: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 is Unscientific and False and Osama bin Laden, Dead of Alive? Building 7 is the gateway to busting the myths of 9/11 embraced by the discredited 9/11 Commission. Dr. Griffin talks about how Van Jones was vilified just for signing a petition calling for a new investigation, and about the effort to pass a NYC referendum enabling a new inquiry. He offers many examples of the NIST reports exagerrations and fabrications, and concludes that WTC was brought down in a controlled demolition. In the bin Laden book, he details all of the reports of bin Ladens death, evaluates the credibility of video and audio releases attributed to bin Laden, and concludes that he is probably dead.



Barry Jennings UNCUT Interview, Bombs In WTC7, Explosions In Lobby - 9/11 Exposed


Search on [barry Jennings Dylan] 11/11/17

21 minutes

Later he backtracked, showing possible evidence of pressure to silence his conflicting story.




Yup. Looking at transcript, the time line is clearly

1. First plane hits tower,

2. They call Barry, say got to bldg 7,

3. in bldg, they try to use regular elevator but not working, not allowing them to get to 2? floor to the management center, so they return to lobby and police help them use freight elevator to get to 2? floor.

4. going back down Explosion blew lower building preventing them from descending stairs from 6th floor-down.

5. He goes back up knocks out window, communicates with firefighters who warn him not to use firehose as rope to let himself down out of window.

6. He sees firefighters run away down the street as 1st building is collapsing, he is still in bldg, communicating at window when firefighters run away 2nd time as 2nd building is collapsing, they assure him they will be back.



Jack Blood Interviews Dylan Avery About The Mysterious Death Of Barry Jennings



Alex Jones breakdown of the Mysterious Death of Barry Jennings


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