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Links re: SS deficit graph

1. they get more of your productivity than God asks.

2. it sets sympathies at conflict between the generations.

3. they get their money first and always.

4. men punish if you don't give to men, God never authorizes human punishment for failing to give Him His due.

5. Arbitrary tax rate, subject to No limit, increased fines or incarceration means they own you 100%

6. Development of the law (separating tax from benefits, obvious deception)

7. All the money collected has been wastefully, or destructively spent, and it is not possible for the govt to get it back

8. It will continue until the Saints of the Lord Jesus Christ, obedient to the Bible, repudiate the covenant, warn of the evil, and explain the Partner-with-a-thief principle







Video Social Security -- The International Mark Of The Beast "Article of Interest"


Video on international coverage


International agreements with other nations.


Land Owning


SSA Deficits graph


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Social Security Deficits Are Permanent and Set to Quadruple in Less Than 20 Years

Creation date: Jun 30, 2013 12:19pm     Last modified date: Oct 10, 2016 8:01pm   Last visit date: Feb 25, 2025 4:51pm