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Richard Cameron on rejecting current magistrates
But we must cry we will have no other king but Christ. ...If you would have Him be for you ye must cut off this king, and these princes, and make able men be your rulers, endued with suitable qualifications both of body and mind, that may employ their power for the cause and interest of God. What would we do with such powers as state themselves in opposition to God? If we had the zeal of God within us we would not call him our king, and even with regard to the nobles and magistrates of this land we would not acknowledge them to be magistrates.….The Lord knows we are obliged to speak these things. I will tell you, Sirs, if ever ye see good days in Scotland without disowning the present magistrates then believe me no more. …..I know not if this generation will be honoured to cast off these rulers, but those that the Lord makes instruments to bring back Christ, and to recover our liberties civil and ecclesiastic, shall be such as shall disown this king and these inferiors under him, and against whom our Lord is denouncing war.Let them take heed unto themselves, for though they should take us to scaffolds, or kill us in the fields, the Lord will yet raise up a party who will be avenged upon them. And are there none to execute justice and judgment upon those wicked men who are both treacherous and tyrannical? The Lord is calling men of all ranks and stations to execute judgment upon them. And if it be done we cannot but justify the deed, and such are to be commended for it, as Jael was.
Now considering these things, we may say to Scotland as Christ said to Jerusalem, "If thou in this thy day hadst known the things that belong to thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes." Ye will not look to Christ, and yet there is no other ye can have help from but from Him. There is none to help you at all, except you acknowledge Him as your King and Head, and except you acknowledge no other magistrate but according to what He ordains in His word. See what David says, "He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God." Compare this with "Moreover, thou shalt provide out of all the people, able men, such as fear God, men of truth hating covetousness. Therefore let the fear of God be upon you, take heed, and do it, for there is no iniquity with the Lord your God." Ye see such should be men that fear God, and men of truth. Oh, take heed and consider what ye are doing! Cry unto the Lord, and let us fight against these wicked rulers with the weapons of the spiritual warfare, the arms of secret prayer. Let us pray unto the Lord to cut them off, and the Lord will raise up those that will condemn and despise them. "The virgin the daughter of Zion hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorn: the daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee." And oh that ye knew that your help is only in the Lord, and that you must resign yourself over to Him! Indeed the juncture of time is such that we must state ourselves in opposition to these enemies. We must not trifle with them any more. We must be content either to quit them all, or comply with them. I defy a man to keep his house without sinful terms and temptations. If we would resolve to quit all for Christ, He would return us all, and give us as much as we had, and twice as good and more.
This sermon was preached on Friday, May 20, 1680, being a day of public fasting and humiliation. By Rev. Richard Cameron, covenanter
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