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2015 08 02 Only Alt Plan
Startled to find this amazingly complete and summarized in so little time.

"THE PLAN" as I can gauge it, with minor variations, is to pick up the Fed and embed it inside the Treasury, have elected officials control how much money is created and annihilated and when, stop having the banking system create money by loaning, and force all banking functions outside the Treasury be limited to 100%-reserve, time-limited contracts (they can't loan money someone else hasn't deposited, they can't return to depositors what is loaned out until it is paid back.

Benefits touted to be: lowering of taxes, no more need to collect taxes to pay the Bankers (or any other Treasury-debt buyers any interest on what is borrowed)
Things not understood about this:

You can't have 100%-reserve or honest banking system without money. If the money used is still imaginary, all it can consist of is what the Issuer says they owe you (but you may NOT ask what they owe you). NY Fed has just been replaced by the US Treasury. Or maybe more accurately, a new sign has been put up over the Fed building in NY -- saying US Treasury.

Perhaps another way to put this, is that the NY Fed is eliminating ALL its competition with its children [or capillaries] with one act of Congress.
Since the banking system has been controlling the congress, judiciary, and executive branches since before Lincoln, it will not be possible for this plan to actually change the hands on the steering wheels, change the names all you want.

Changing the label on the institution what says the money is now existent does not make the money any more real than it was. It does nothing to address the substance we are measuring.

I think one of the reasons people are drawn to this plan, is the unconscious urge to consistency. People are thinking and acting as if civil government, as we perceive it, is the most good and most strong thing there is. Banks could never demonstrate ownership over the global money's purchasing power unless they owned it, and we know that ownership is logically sourced in Congress passing the Federal Reserve Act and its amendments that gave them the 'power' to issue additional money-as-debt. If Congress can delegate such, it means they own it natively (sometimes attributed to a power given it by the Constitution - but coining coins out of the silver, gold, and copper Christ created is not the same thing as saying there are more fiat US dollars in the system)

Creation date: Aug 2, 2015 7:17am     Last modified date: Aug 2, 2015 8:29am   Last visit date: Feb 27, 2025 4:52pm