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Interest Rates Already Negative

If you plan to get a low-interest mortgage, you need a high credit score: 
above 750. 

If you want to refinance your existing mortgage at a rate under 3.8%, you need 
a high credit score. 

If you plan to get a mortgage on an investment house in the next recession -- 
which I strongly recommend -- you will need an even better credit score. 

Here are 10 ways to raise your score: 

Gary "Pay Cash at My Age" North 

I hope Gary is kidding, and that his subscribers all know it.
This may be directly what God was referring to when He said "Do not prepare two sets of stone-weights for use on the Balances when you trade."
13 “You shall not have in your bag [j]differing weights, a large and a small. 14 You shall not have in your house [k]differing measures, a large and a small. 15 You shall have a full and just weight; you shall have a full and just [l]measure, that your days may be prolonged in the [m]land which the Lord your God gives you. 16 For everyone who does these things, everyone who acts unjustly is an abomination to the Lord your God.
You want to use the light set when you are measuring what you are giving.
You want to use the heavy set when you are measuring what it being given you.
Jesus Applied this truth.
31 Treat others the same way you want [s]them to treat you.
38 Give, and it will be given to you. They will [w]pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”

The path to getting the low credit score is to borrow from the Federal Reserve System's member banks. When you do that, you are asking men to create something out of nothing for you. We know this increases the reckoned counts of money units in the world. And we know that that effect causes purchasing power or the trade-value of those units to be reduced. We know the result of this action is theft in a way that is un-knowable, un-traceable, and therefore unaccountable (by Finite Man). 

The Judge of the Living and the Dead is not so limited in His accounting.
Not only does this steal from the millions of Unknowns, it pushes that wealth to the Borrowers as a bribe to encourage them, and lock them in to the habit. More importantly, it pushes more wealth to the bankers who buy control with it. The Federal Reserve Act is direct evidence of that more-than-century-old control. Remember the Congress with Andrew Jackson was already failing to identify and act on the bankers and their theft through deceit. They are able to buy control over education and government with the power of this unjust gain of interest income on imaginary money.
The borrower uses the heavy-stones for the borrowing contract (4%) when the bank imagines the money into his checking account. Getting the money early and spending it will be more valuable in trade than it's depreciated value by the time he has to make his loan payments.
The borrower uses the light-stones when he is making his loan payments. The "light-stone" is the result of the real price-increase inflation as a result of a world of borrowers asking the banks to increase the "money supply" for them by means of the loans they are making. This reduced value of the money unit is supposed to be a gain to the borrower because he is paying back his loan with cheaper dollars.
But this assumes that his wages have risen at the same 8% vector as his costs. Most likely they have not. For some they have gone down. For most, they are probably still lagging behind the attractive loan-rates of 4%. But that is assuming they have a job at all, and the fewer people who have had enough recent work to qualify for officially being on the "unemployment" rolls, plus the declining labor-participation-rate -- does not increase confidence that things are going well.
Neither does it address the increased control this gives the banks over education and law as the decades roll by.
More borrowing enslaves you if you are using honest money. More borrowing of pretend-money is an ox which has been known to gore. How many hundreds of times has mankind tried imaginary money units, only to have them be abandoned because of the theft, war, and damage they have caused in the destruction of life, freedom, and stewardship of God's wealth?
This time it will (don't bet on it) be different. 
So why is Gary North looking like he is encouraging people towards the increased borrowing in a "wise" way, so that there can be a greater temptation later to borrow at an interest rate that is a recognized way of stealing from the Loaners? Borrowing is such a good deal when the interest rates on the loan are less than the rate of inflation?
As a Washington County Commissioner admitted in my hearing, "They are almost paying us to take the money".
When he says "pay-cash" North, is he mocking people's stupidity or mocking their greed?
Are people stupid or are they evil?
We know ethical-evil brings on stupidity.
We know stupidity brings on calamity-evil.
We like to think calamity-evil brings on wisdom. Don't bet on it. Sin blinds and people don't automatically take the hint. When their bricks are torn down, they may just brag they will rebuild -- bigger and better -- with smooth stones. Officials said this after the demolition of the World Trade Center.
Wisdom comes by the Word of God. Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit saith the LORD.
It is wise to refuse dishonest gain.
It is wise not to do business with known criminals who are stealing from both you and your neighbor.
If you allow stealing, God will require it of you.
I think this will mean He will take away the common sense of the population so that every man ends up stealing from his neighbor through democratic action.
I do not believe in democracy. 
I believe in might-makes-right. And I believe in unanimity. Once the Election has been held, and all the Voters have decided what is ethically "right". This cannot be changed. Not if you are a Democrat.
If, yesterday, Everybody voted that something was right, you can't think that a mere majority of opinion, tomorrow, should reverse the definition of what was right. To think and do so would be a denial of the principle you preach. Right has already been decided. If Tomorrow's majority votes differently, we already have an ethical authority that says that they are wrong to do so. They cannot establish a new ethical standard by contradicting their own principle.

Creation date: Jul 16, 2016 6:24am     Last modified date: Feb 17, 2019 2:18pm   Last visit date: Dec 26, 2024 6:27am