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Taking Sides - The fallout from the 2016 election

It would be a corollary to the idea that a capital criminal should be appointed to the head of all law-enforcement in the nation, that any attempt by judge or jury to execute that most-qualified-person-to-punish crime.....would be called murder. In other words, they (judge and jury) would be a false witness.

18 The judges shall investigate thoroughly, and if the witness is a false witness and he has [u]accused his brother falsely, 19 then you shall do to him just as he had intended to do to his brother. Thus you shall purge the evil from among you. 20 The rest will hear and be afraid, and will never again do such an evil thing among you. 21 Thus [v]you shall not show pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

But let's say Hillary prevails as the choice of the majority of somebodies.  They are going to look sideways at the Biblical Man who points out that capital criminals should be given a fair trial and be put to death. The laws of perjury says that, now, their lives should be forfeit.

Not that we have failed to have an abundance of capital criminals for president down through the years. It is just that these last 3 have been pretty blatant. Almost makes you think of FDR.


June 1, 2009 was a heavy day in this regard. Supposed president Obama was fuming about the horrible "murder" of 60k-mass murderer, late-term-abortioner George Tiller in Witchita. Scott Roeder stopped those murders in the only way he know how, in defiance of both Church and State trying to protect Tiller from "violence"( and even non-violent nuisance). He had enjoyed the protection of Federal Marshals in the heydays of Operation Rescue.

Stands to Reason, since Obama not only approved infanticide in his previous life, and was a rabid cheerleader for Planned Parenthood and tax dollars for abortion on demand. But on his very first (heterosexual) Wedding Month commemoration, what does he do but come out with his intent that everyone show special honor for those whole turn upside down God's creation and function of the Genders. LGBT Pride Day. And he has reinforced it every year since. Now the evidence is going around that his "wife" was born a male. It is getting easier to believe it. In the eyes of some none of this is as bad as the Commander in Chief murdering his soldiers. Even if you didn't concede that national treasure and blood of your young men have not been worse-than-wasted in unjust wars, and even if you refused to believe the evidence that "terrorists" like ISIS, al kayduh, and the supposed 9/11 hijackers were recruited, trained, and supplied by elements of our own administration -- you have the grievous events of Benghazi and Extortion 17.


You do not need any particular witness or evidence to take the broad look over the countries where the US Military has been the most involved. Islam has been encouraged, praised, supported, though I would say "used" and manipulated by our national administration for even worse purposes than any real threat from actual Muslims un-financed by US approval. Yet Christians have been driven out and persecution has increased in Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and now Syria, plus there is what is happening to Europe through the zeal for absorbing immigrants. They may be soft on the Christian American citizen at the moment, other than lying and stealing from them -- but their intent is clear as to what they are going to do when it is more "safe" to implement their agenda. If they will butcher and sell the most innocent and helpless, don't kid yourself about your "civil rights", the minute they think they can get away with it.....or a minute after God sees we deserve what they dream about doing if their chance comes.

You can't really trust the Cash-Basis, publicly acknowledged nation debt to have much validity, but even then, this 8-year administration has almost racked up as much debt as every other president combined. It looks like we will almost add 10 trillion on to the 10 trillion we started with in January 2009 when Obama was busy reversing all the quasi pro-life legislation Bush had engineered.


For 2,500 years, God' prophets have been asking, " Shall I not judge a nation such as this?"


I believe we have to start by defunding their discipleship program (tax-supported education, higher and lower), and their finance arm - Fractional-reserve operations with fiat (imaginary) money. If we keep on requesting them to create imaginary money for us, because the interest-rates are cheaper that way, and depositing all our dollars with them (you have no choice - it is not a dollar if a bank, somewhere, does not sort-of-say they owe you one -- you "have" no dollar) because the cost for transactions and "security" is less than an honest 3rd party can provide -- Unless we basically stop using dollars - we are still going to be funding the police and military and legislature that is gradually, timidly- but steadily - robbing, enslaving, and murdering our nation and others.


It is time to change what we can no longer accept.

Creation date: Aug 28, 2016 6:26pm     Last modified date: Nov 11, 2020 10:12pm   Last visit date: Jul 12, 2024 9:32pm