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List of Resources


Life is too short to take in all the sources of information on what's-going-on. Here I offer an efficient list to get what you need to know, without wasting time.


You kinda knew already, there is no Pandemic.


Dr Victory. Kelly Victory, MD, is a board-certified trauma and emergency specialist with over 15 years of clinical experience. She served as CMO for Whole Health Management, delivering on-site healthcare services for Fortune 500 companies.



Why did deaths only increase AFTER lockdown was implemented?

Q: If health authorities vastly underestimated the prevalence of the virus at the beginning of the pandemic, why did the virus nevertheless wait until lockdowns were imposed to suddenly start killing at levels which exceeded normal deaths?


Discussion of comparative damage of Lockdown vs. what a real, identifiable disease would cause.




Explanation of the RT-PCR test, how it tests for exosomes, not Viral material of any identity, how exosomes are normal bodily responses to any number of stress, toxins, disease, including electromagnetic radiation (5G). If the test is meaningless, all their statistics are meaningless.


Doctor view, expert on history, money, zionism, noahide laws, medicine, COVID etc.


Sound, scientific reasons why there is no SARS Cov-2 virus.



David Martin's plan to stop the madness

Creation date: Jun 28, 2020 12:20pm     Last modified date: Feb 15, 2022 10:55pm   Last visit date: Jan 1, 2025 5:31pm