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Meeting Minutes October 2011


Cooken President Mike Mickelson called the meeting to order at noon on October 8 at the OSU Newark Library. Those present included:

Steve Hoskinson kc8ahn
Ralph Winkler wd8bbe
Jack Guilkey k8em
David Doyle kb3daj
Dan Sportsman kd0emb
Eldon  w5uhq
Russ   w8ata
Weldon k8nq
Mike   kd8dz
Mary Beth kd8omu


W5UHQ presented a series of slides of WD8DKZ and the club observed a moment of silence for our latest silent key.


John , W8NM  reported we have 20 paid members for 2011-2012 year which is down considerably from our peak in 2010.  He also reported that we have approximately $250 cash on hand and the detailed books are on the web keepandshare in the form of an EXCEL spreadsheet.  Members of the 2011 audit committee were not present but John reported that the audit had been completed and there were no issues.  Steve Katz ( one of the auditors) has offered to help John set up a new Excel template that would assist him in tracking dues postings for partial or multiple years which the current system does not facilitate well.  It was moved and seconded to accept the audit and monthly treasurer’s report.


Mike reported that there are several contests coming up this winter and COOKEN plans to participate  in at least some of those listed in the W3HKK memo.  The ARRL 160 M contest is unfortunately the same weekend as the opening of  the primary deer season in Ohio so our hunting lodge QTH is out for that one.  We may however go out with our HAMS ARE NOT DEER sweatshirts and do some antenna pre planning while dodging deer slugs either that weekend or pick another one before snow is flying.


Eldon reported the membership list on web had been updated to show paid members as of October 1.  He will also add KC8AHN who paid up at the October meeting.  The club informally decided to leave unpaid members on the email reflector until they voluntarily opt out in hopes that some will re-join later in the year. Members were also asked to contact those who did not re-new this year and  had  personally encourage them to re-join.


Eldon Peterson went over the results of the OSPOTA and OQP participation in absence of W3HKK contest coordinator.  It looks like we took second place in our category for both contests and detailed results are posted elsewhere on the web and keepandshare.


Mike Mickelson  presented a memo from W3HKK which was sent to him since Bob could not be present at October meeting. Bob is proposing to create a new position in the club which he is willing to fill.


That memo is attached to these minutes and was also sent to everyone on the email reflector list.  Everyone at October meeting was basically in favor of all of Bob’s ideas regarding QSLs and contest record keeping however no motions were made due to his absence for discussion.  His proposals were tabled until the November meeting.




One of Bob’s proposals concerned setting up a paper tracking of club records which would include contest submissions etc.  Mary Beth Mathews agreed to check into ways other non profit orgs ( such as the Licking Co. library ) are managing both paper and electronic record keeping in these days of electronic record migration.  In that regard, Mike turned over some of the 2011 paper attachments from 2011 Field Day.  Eldon agreed to hold on to it as Secretary at least until we decide how that will fit into the contest notebook Bob is proposing.


Weldon Mathews moved and it was seconded to grant Joey Dawson KD8PEP with a free additional year of membership in order to foster his continued interest in ham radio.


Several members listed equipment they had for sale.  They were advised to list it on the web reflector or blog since COOKEN ( as an ad hoc not for profit group) does not wish to be part of any bartering other than providing those two means of advertising to members.


Eldon, W5UHQ presented an advanced overview at a QST article he is writing  about Electrolytic Capacitors.


The meeting adjourned at 1:15.


Items that seem to require follow up at next business meeing are highlighted in bold.








Creation date: Nov 7, 2011 6:58am     Last modified date: Aug 6, 2013 6:04pm   Last visit date: Jan 2, 2025 5:44am
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