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Meeting Minutes February 2013

The February COOKEN meeting was opened by President Mike Mickelson at 12:00 noon 2/9/ 2013 at the Werner Library Sleigh meeting room at COTC.



W8NM The treasurer presented the following report on finances.


 Treasury  650.34        
Unpaid obligations  -30.00 Exam Refunds      
Net on hand  620.34        


There were 31 paid up members as of the meeting.


The secretary reported on the new CERT net on 444.5  MHz every second and fourth Wednesday at 9:00 PM local. Several CERT members as well as ARES members have been checking in.  All are welcomed to check out the UHF repeater which is a backup for ARES.


W3HKK presented a proposal for a new COOKEN award.  There will be two tiers of awards.  The basic award requires contact with 20 cooken members in any mode or band.  The second tier requires 25 contacts and they may be spread out on many bands and modes with the same stations. Full details are posted on keepandshare.  Eldon Peterson moved that the award be approved and it was seconded and approved by aclamation.


K8EM reported that COOKEN would participate again this year in Arbor day which will be on the 27th of April.  We may be matched up with a Solar Energy group or company in a new location this year.  More to be discussed at the March and April meetings.


K8NQ the Licking County EC reported that we would be having the winter run support on  Feb 17 and would need operators.


There was some discussion on an associate treasurer who would be on the bank account signature list with John W8NM.  No volunteered at the time, but President held the inviatiion open for someone to come forward to volunteer for that job.


There was a request by two individuals for a General VE exam.  Nothing was nailed down, but it has generally been our policy to hold a Fee Type exam any time we have more than 3 requests.  Item was tabled until next meeting.


Fred Saas  WA8PGE presented a great program on "Tiny Rigs, Big Fun: Operating QRP" which was enjoyed by all. He was assisted in presentation by Dave Brown k8ax. Steve, N8WL also showed off his new KX3 portable  as an example of Tiny Rigs, Big Bucks: Fun for those that can afford a new radio every month. Hi Hi.


Word of note:  As of this meeting we are at an all time high on number of members and number of members at a meeting.  Keep the enthusiasm up.


The meeting adjourned at 1430.




Creation date: Mar 9, 2013 7:39am     Last modified date: Aug 6, 2013 6:06pm   Last visit date: Oct 23, 2024 11:45pm
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