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Cooken Meeting Minutes November 2014



  • Location – Warner Library on COTC Campus
  • Meeting called to order by President Russ Payne (W8ATA)
  • Meeting Attendees:


      • KD8SCL
      • K8NQ
      • W8ATA
      • KD8DZ
      • N8WL
      • K8EM
      • N8DFQ
      • AC8PT
      • KD8OMU
      • W5UHQ
      • AC8GI
      • W8TNI
      • W3HKK
      • N8IBR 
  • Secretaries Report:


  • Reading of the last minutes: None
  • Treasurer’s Report:


  • Fund Balance:                  $668.74,
  • Receipts during period: $22.00
  • Total Balance:                   $690.74                  
  • Total paid members:       19
  • Club dues of $12 are still being accepted.
  • Committee Reports: Bob W3HKK


  • Contest:
    • AUG 9:   J Clem   Nice turn out 10. Operated 15-20-40. Poor propagation cndx plus high power line noise issues from the urban setting, which verticals are more susceptible to, reduced our normal QSO total, but W8TNX still made 97 qsos. For the first time, two stations were set up this year. Jack brought his hf rig and W3HKK brought his TS50. Kevin brought in Ralphs 4BTV. Mike – KD8DZ brought his vert for 10-15-20. Jack also brought his melodious voice and made most of the qsos.
    • Aug 23   OhQP.     No club entry this year. How many operated from home at least a little? This really is a “Cant Miss” event for all Ohio operators with even the lowest dipoles and inverted vee antennas. It’s easy and it’s fun.
    • Sep 2014:   No OSPOTA club entry this year. How many made at least one qso this year?
  • Oct 2014      


    • -PA QSO Party Oct 4-5:   This is the 2nd best QSO Party of the year for Ohio folks. Fun. perfect skip distance ( 100-400 miles ) for low antennas on 40/80. I highly recommend it to all. And this year, we enjoyed truly excellent cndx    
    • My goal was limited to a Clean Sweep of all PA counties (67), and by 1:00 pm Sunday I did it.   You can too.
    • CQWW DX Contest: Oct 25-26: No club entry this year, so I operated from home focusing mostly on 160-80-40m. This is one of the two top DX contests of the year and a great way to add to your DXCC totals.  
    • =====================================================================
    • The WW8OH-W8TNX-W8FD QSL SHOEBOX IS BEING PASSED AROUND. We continue to receive numerous paper QSLs from contacts made during our SES’s and contests. We also receive numerous eQSLs via eQSL, QRZ and LOTW.
    • AWARDS:   Contest awards received recently include the 2013 PA QSO Party certificate for top score in Ohio, (WW8OH) and the 2nd highest score in the World outside of PA.  
    • ======================================================================


  • CQWW DX CONTEST – CW ONLY - on Nov 29-30. I plan to concentrate on 160m with my new SAL-30 phased loop rx antenna.
  • ARRL 160M CONTEST - CW ONLY - on Dec 5-6-7. I plan to concentrate on 160m with my new SAL-30 phased loop rx antenna.
  • ARRL 10M CONTEST ( ssb, cw, psk) on Dec. 13-14. A great fun contest for all, and perhaps the best and last shot at excellent 10M conditions for the next 10 years. Any antenna and any power level are fine. Give it a go on your favorite mode. !


  • ARES Report: Weldon K8NQ


  • Weldon gave a brief summery of the SET exercise, 28 members checked in from Licking Co., had operators go to 25 Fire Departments, 5 Police Departments, Sheriff’s office, the new Licking County Communications Center and EMA mobile Command Post.
  • 3 nets were set up during the exercise, Thanks to Alan KD8TNS, Eldon W5UHQ and Bob K8LJ for running the nets.
  • Guardian Shield: 6/13-19th 2015 EMA multi-agency exercise.
  • FLdigi net: Thursday nights at 20:30 on 146.490 simplex


  • CERT Report: Eldon W5UHQ
  • CERT/ARES trailer: Work continues, flooring, cabinets & awning.
  • Radio box has 3 radios
  • New CERT class graduating in December up to 40 new members.
  • Trustee:


  • Kevin is moving and will be changing the address for the club licensees.
  • Will look into the reservation for the room for 2015.


  • New Business:


  • Annual meeting, Pizza and Pictures
  • Programs for 2015, a lot of ideas were mentioned, Russ W8ATA will send out an email about programs and survey



  • Old Business: None
  • Weldon (K8NQ) gave a presentation on SDR Developments



  • Meeting was adjourned.


Creation date: Nov 22, 2014 9:39pm     Last modified date: Nov 22, 2014 9:39pm   Last visit date: Sep 15, 2024 10:34pm
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