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Is Your Pastor Right On the Money?


Ex 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, & etc.


To the degree that your pastor is a leader, you want him to conform as much as possible to these 4 characteristics. To the degree that money is important, you will want a pastor who is right about what he teaches and practices about money -- all in relationship to these 4 qualities.


Money is important to the degree that it is related to the time and effort people relate to it. At least a third of the waking hours  of over 150 million people in our country is spent on trading their time and effort to acquire money. The rest of their waking hours, along with the waking hours of the other half of the people, if not spent acquiring money through other means besides employing their time and effort in trade for money, is spent using goods and services that money must be traded for.


Everything our state and federal governments do requires money, either coerced or borrowed.


1. Man of Ability - able to understand money and banking

2. Fear God - more than government/IRS, recognize punishments of divine law, consequences, dedication to pleasing God.

3. Men of truth - Truth about money, lending, God's law

4. Hate dishonest gain - hating the dishonest gain available in using dishonest gain and warning his people about the consequences from god.


Clear description of the theft of money


The Best Kept Secrets of The Dollar


Why few elements qualify for use as money

See related video: (Notice how silver is summarily dismissed because it is reactive)

Creation date: May 3, 2014 5:06am     Last modified date: Jul 23, 2016 2:54pm   Last visit date: Oct 5, 2024 2:56pm