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Necessity Witness

Leviticus 5 :1‘Now if a person sins after he hears a public order to testify when he is a witness, whether he has seen or otherwise known, if he does not tell it, then he will bear his punishment.


As soon as I had seen these videos I am going to recommend, I realized that the mass murders and massive amount of thefts occurring this moment across the nations constituted a “public order to testify”.


Of course, you can do your own internet searches and come up with floods of similar testimony (though not on every platform). But the challenge is integrating this material with the Bible and what – exactly -- us Bystanders must do and testify.


The truth is, we cannot avoid the risk of perjury. It is certainly possible to speak and act as a false witness. It is not possible to avoid being a false witness if our silence or inaction promotes a Lie or fails to challenge and contradict it. We are now living in a time when lies are resulting in theft, enslavement, and murder. By our lives, our witness, and our use of wealth - we will testify either truly or falsely. The result of our testimony will either vindicate or accuse. And if falsely, we deserve the deserts of those we accused -- or the unjust fate of those innocents we failed to vindicate or defend.


Deut. 19:18 And the judges shall investigate thoroughly, and if the witness is a false witness and he has testified against his brother falsely, 19 then you shall do to him just as he had planned to do to his brother. So you shall eliminate the evil from among you. 20 And the rest of the people will hear and be afraid, and will never again do such an evil thing among you. 21 So you shall not show pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, and foot for foot.


...has a wealth of info, but Dr. Gold’s address Jan 14 was especially hard-hitting for me. If this does not make you cry, at least in your soul – you need to check your pulse for signs-of-moral-life.  The official stance is that there is nothing available to help cure you if you really have “the disease”, unless your symptoms require hospitalization. Doctors are using a combination of inexpensive preparations to “cure” and turn it around all the time. Dr. Gold was fired from her career as an Emergency Care physician because she refused to stop using something that was working so well. I think this proves they don’t want you uninfected, they would rather have you dead.


Evidence the maligned, cheap, over-the-counter, 60-year-old drug works great:


The fear and lockdowns are mainly a product of these supposed tests that tell us who could be ‘carriers’.







Misuse of PCR tests - Worst Crime Against Humanity Ever


Every body contains material which could make the PCR test positive, and why the other tests are only worse.


The physical and psychological harm of masking and social distancing is bad enough. These and the restriction of Trade because of Lockdown guidelines, rules, and laws are causing-, and will be causing- such economic harm that thousands will have their lives shortened by suicide and starvation, if nothing else. But there is a huge “something else”, and that is the falsely-labeled “vaccines”. This is definite murder on a massive scale. I implore you to do your due diligence to “ferret out” the truth of all this and understand why all the ferrets in the Animal Trials died. These folks explain it pretty well.

WARNING: Nursing Home Whistleblower, "Patients Dying Like Flies After Vaccine"

(search for bitchute channel: Sarah Westall - Business Game Changers Radio)


What does this tell us about encouragement from the President, Congress, Mass Media, and the official health-care system - to risk murdering almost everyone, starting with the older, more vulnerable folks, the healthcare workers, Military, and First Responders? If this is truly as harmful as the reports flooding in describe it to be, won’t it be nice to have our healthcare professionals decimated, along with the personnel we rely upon for national defense from hostile nations and criminals in our communities?


If there is evidence that the first round of the experimental, re-engineering of our genetic instructions is harmful, what could we expect of the 2nd administration, which everyone recognizes can make us sick? And if this material is to be trusted, the actual exposure to the real contagion after the supposed development of the antibodies by a complete “vaccination” cycle – could be deadly for a high percentage of the population. Small wonder we are hearing this from the very criminals who insist we must reduce the world population in order to “save the planet”.


The other huge deceit and contradiction we have all observed has been the election and change in administration. For a concentrated dose of the extent of this operation, I don’t know a better resource than this:


Mike Lindell's documentary 'Absolute Proof' dealing with the 2020 Elections


Or here is a BitChute link.


Even though this “push” from mass media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, our government agencies and “healthcare system” threatens our standard of living, our health, and our very lives – it is a lesser issue than what is happening to our money. The imaginary, fiat type of money-units all the nations began to use prior to the year 2000, are guaranteed to be rejected after a hyperinflationary “crack-up-boom”. It has already happened hundreds (maybe thousands) of times in different nations. The bankers and government leaders can’t be so stupid as to not see this already in progress. They know they have to abandon this sinking ship and jump to another before they get blamed for the disaster. If they can implement a cashless, electronic, global, digital-only money unit and suppress all attempts to trade in honest quantities of honest measures of honest substances – they will know and control every transaction. The ability of the government/bank partnership to confiscate your wealth through Biblically-unlawful taxation and pretend-inflation of the money supply is essential to their continued existence. This is why BitCoin or any crypto-currency or honest money which would protect against taxation or prevent inflation of the money supply is a life-and-death issue for them. Did you know it is already a $5,000/5-year-imprisonment Felony to assist anyone in making a financial transaction without being licensed and sworn to testify against any traders whom you suspect might be avoiding taxation or violating some arbitrary law governments have legislated? This is why you have to divulge your personal information, if you are a US resident, on the internet sites which allow you to buy and sell crypto-currencies. Non-US sites are prohibited from allowing you to use their exchanges if you live under US jurisdiction. On BitCoin, as I understand it, this KnowYourCustomer registration enables them to legally access your crypto identity and look at all the transactions you have ever made.


Once the free market develops this for them, why wouldn’t they just take it over, or displace it with their “own” controlled CentralBankDigitalCurrency and make it impossible for us to buy and sell unless we were willing to comply with their defiance of Christ’s ownership and law?


Bottom line, is that we are required by God, to think, and witness, and so act as if Jesus was the Messiah of God, and owner, and supreme authority in heaven, and in earth, both in economy and law. If we don’t, He will send criminals to spank us, whether it be a distant nation, or our own Federal, State, or county officials. The good news about the convulsions of the past year, is that the public’s faith in these same officials has been destroyed by their antagonistic and contradictory, foolish, and harmful behavior. MainStream Media, Big technical companies, our healthcare professionals, our educational system have demonstrated their hate and intent to harm Family, Church, and citizenry. Their contradictions have exposed their lies to all. It is clear now that no one believes in democracy (that ethical questions should be decided by Majority Vote). Both sides hope the Other Side can be weakened, manipulated, and plundered because of the ethical confusion of trying to believe Majority is the ethical authority to define crime and punishment.


By this we know, that we are being spanked by God. See I Sam. 8 and 12. These things come upon an idolatrous nation: loss of ability to reason, sexual perversion and addictions to destructive habits, murder, kidnapping, and theft. By which we know that we have been attributing to Created Things what Only the Triune God of the Bible can be and do. We have preferred a more loving and gracious god, we have hoped in a better and more righteous law than what the Bible gives us. Now it is God’s turn to say, “hows that working out for ya?” Or the taunt-song of the OT prophets?


Dt. 32:37 And He will say, ‘Where are their gods,
The rock in which they took refuge?
38 Those who ate the fat of their sacrifices,
And drank the wine of their drink offering?
Let them rise up and help you,
Let them be your protection!


Our God could very well say to our generation, “Where are the Federal and State governments you paid all those taxes to and from whom you expected salvation from enemies domestic and foreign? Where are those powers you thought were stronger than the God of the Bible? Where are all those gracious policemen and soldiers who were going to protect you from the consequences of God’s “mean” laws? Go to them now and get help. Don’t come cryin’ to Me.”


Since we know that there is salvation in none other…..


Acts 4:12 And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among mankind by which we must be saved.”


...we will need to be speaking and acting as if both our eternal and our temporal life depends on Him, and not on man’s rebellious attempts to steal by deceit. This will involve giving a true witness, calling murder and theft by its name, refusing to support it in any way, and taking responsibility to participate in punishing criminals in the way that God, in His law book, requires. If we do not, He will allow the criminals to punish His own negligent children.


Postscript: Since beginning this writing, more reports are pouring in from various countries. In the community of Gibralter 5 people died in 2020. Since the first experimental, gene-altering injections were given, over 70 people have died. Some die within 15 minutes of a shot, some die within days of first or second does. Extremely knowledgeable professionals who understand virology and vaccines have been warning us for months that immune-system hyper-reactions will kill many people once the antibodies are developed and they encounter the real contagion “in the wild”. Many of these reports are, of course being repressed. Because of the nature of the mRNA in manufacturing covid-like particles, logically everyone should test positive for Covid after the shot. If you die of gunshot or car wreck, but had a positive Covid test in the previous month or two, you are a statistical covid death. If you are die after an injection, it is easy to prove you died of covid, since your test will ever after be positive.


If we do not boycott and buycott everyone who is participating in this smothering, robbing us of livelihoods, and murdering; or positively lying about what is going on or negatively suppressing the truth – we become morally culpable as participants in the crime.


(Update 3/15/21)


Knowledgeable professionals testify on the deadly threats, deceit, and harm of the experimental gene-altering therapy.


When put to it, the national/international health "authorities" cannot provide any evidence that the Covid-19/SARS- cov2 virus even exists, has been isolated, identified, or been shown to cause disease.


Yet it has been patented, along with the treatments for it, which I think means the owners receive come kind of royalty payment when the Test or treatments are administered. I have heard that the PCR test can cost $170 to $200. The laws say you cannot patent something which occurs in nature, only what is man-made. But the nature of this so-called virus was engineered by men, it qualifies as a bio-weapon, which is also illegal to patent. So which is it?



More and more information keeps coming out.

Del Bigtree is one of the preeminent voices of the Vaccine Risk Awareness Movement. Not just about this new experimental gene therapy. This interview is the story about how he came to be a focal point of the truth about damaging malpractice in this area.




Creation date: Feb 8, 2021 12:37pm     Last modified date: Aug 25, 2021 6:36am   Last visit date: Sep 27, 2024 11:58am