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Magnetic Flow Meter - Top Flowmeter Supplier


The magnetic flow meter has many advantages over traditional flow measurement. It can measure any conductive liquid, including fluids with particles such as milk, juice, industrial sewage, residential wastewater, and milk. Silver Automation Instruments, a China supplier of magnetic flow meters, is affordable and offers rugged quality.


Magnetic inductive flow meters are made from the flow transmitter, flow sensor. It is a type of volumetric flowmeter that detects liquid flow rate in closed pipes. There are no moving parts within the mag sensor so there is little maintenance. Inductive flow meters are able to measure dirty liquids, including grease, slurry, and mud. The liquid properties of liquids such as temperature, viscosity, density, and viscosity do not affect the measurement.


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Creation date: Mar 6, 2022 9:28pm     Last modified date: Mar 6, 2022 9:28pm   Last visit date: Mar 17, 2025 6:44pm