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079Cartel Entertainment Presents: Big Dawg079 and Debut of "Body”

(September,2020. Chicago, Illinois) -After listening to Big Dawg079’s new drill debut, “Body” was a legit experience. The music itself has a dope rhythm... and then the lyrics! Explicit? YES. Aggressive? Yes. Artistic? Definitely. The anguish and voice spoken in “Body” will speak to so many in this crazy a$$ year we’re calling 2020. First, though, a bit about explicit lyrics.


All artists reach unique audiences, and each audience deserves to have the best in their preferred art form. This includes drill music with explicit lyrics. While explicit content has long been debated as ‘art,’ there is no denying the popularity and success of a long list of rap and drill artists including Drake, Tupac, Lil Kim, and Chief Keef. These artists combined are worth more than $300 million.


That list also includes Cardi B, released one of the hottest songs this year is “WAP.” Not only explicit, but the song also celebrates a woman’s sexuality. Loudly and proudly, without hesitation or apology. The week ending on August 13th was the most successful debut of any track ever with over 93 million U.S. streams and hit #1 on the Top 100 Hits billboard.


So, what’s the attraction to explicit lyrics? Emotions from anger, sorrow, frustration, and hate that seethes from within that are held by fans can be expressed, dealt, and healed by listening to these lyrics. Those words can also help people process ideas and issues. For many, these lyrics acknowledge the reality of life faced every day. A perfect example of this comes from rising artist and drill rapper Big Dawg079.


Growing up in Chicago, Emmanuel Moulten didn’t have all the things needed to be what society deems ‘successful.’ At a street-smart age of 14, Big Dawg079 began a 24-year stint in prison. After all those years, he grew and learned to be an adult on the inside. Upon release, he knew it was time to take his second chance at a better life. Finding his voice and ability to weave words and music together, the record “Deep Cover 2020” came into focus and is finally a reality.


The newest single, “Body,” is being released September 30th, 2020. The independent record label 079Cartel is proud to produce this new record. Big Dawg079 is its headline artist and CEO. Visit your favorite music platform, including iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play/YouTube, or visit to choose how to download from there.




Rebecca Loose, COO, CFO, Co-CEO
079Cartel Entertainment

Creation date: Nov 29, -0001 4:07pm     Last modified date: Oct 2, 2020 1:36am   Last visit date: Mar 9, 2025 12:31am