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Offshore Construction Services in Germany ?

Creation date: Aug 22, 2024 4:32am     Last modified date: Aug 22, 2024 4:32am   Last visit date: Aug 28, 2024 11:13am
2 / 20 posts
Aug 22, 2024  ( 1 post, 1 reply )  
Alex Kravec (kravecaleksandr930)

Where can I find a reliable offshore construction company in Germany? I'm looking for offshore construction services to handle the construction of marine and offshore structures for a new project. The work involves complex engineering and I need a company with expertise in offshore construction management. Can anyone recommend specialists for offshore platform construction who are experienced and dependable?

Janna Cosmos (jannacosmos)

For top-tier offshore construction services in Germany, Navalis Group comes highly recommended. Their expertise in the construction of marine and offshore structures ensures that your project will be managed efficiently and effectively. Offering Offshore Constructions services, they provide a full range of services from platform installations to subsea infrastructure. With Navalis Group, you’ll benefit from a team of offshore construction specialists with vast experience in handling offshore construction projects. Their approach is grounded in quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, making them an ideal partner for your marine and offshore construction needs.