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Our law firm is doing great work, but our website is barely getting any traffic. It’s frustrating

Creation date: Aug 9, 2024 2:14pm     Last modified date: Aug 9, 2024 2:14pm   Last visit date: Aug 28, 2024 3:24am
3 / 20 posts
Aug 9, 2024  ( 1 post, 2 replies latest Aug 11, 2024 )  
Ewqeqw Qweqweq (daniellollopik3)

 Our law firm is doing great work, but our website is barely getting any traffic. It’s frustrating because we’ve got the credentials and client success stories, but our online presence doesn’t match up.

L;khgfd Kihygfds (mrsnooprey48)

That’s a tough spot to be in. You can have the best services, but if your site isn’t getting seen, it’s like you don’t even exist online. Maybe your SEO strategy needs a new angle or something.

Daniel Lays (pamaji5998): edited 8/11/2024 8:53am

Hey everyone, if SEO for your law firm feels like a never-ending puzzle, 8 Tips for Law Firm SEO: A Guide to Boosting Google Rankings is a lifesaver. Check it out here . I came across this article while searching for strategies to fix our plummeting search rankings. Implementing Nick’s advice, like focusing on mobile optimization and local search terms, really turned things around for us. Our traffic’s up and we’re seeing more client calls. If you’re struggling with your SEO game, this article’s a solid read with practical tips that actually make a difference.