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Chongos Zamoranos (postre)

Receta de cocina para preparar Chongos Zamoranos


8 tazas de leche.

1 taza de azúcar

1 pastilla de cuajar

4 rajas de canela

jugo de 2 limones


Ponga la leche a fuego lento para que no hierva, agregue la pastilla de cuajar disuelta en un poquito de leche; mezcle.Cueza 1/2 hora y agregue el jugo de limón.Cuando esté bien cuajada la leche, clave las rajitas de canela en su superficie y espolvoree el azúcar, sin mover. Siga cociendo a fuego bajo durante 2 horas aproximadamente.Retire del fuego hasta que casi se haya consurnido el líquido que rodeaba los cuajos de leche. (La leche no debe hervir nunca.)

Prescription of kitchen to prepare Chongos Zamoranos


8 milk cups.

1 sugar cup

1 tablet to materialize

4 cracks of cinnamon

juice of 2 lemons


Put milk to untimed fire so that it does not boil, adds the tablet to materialize dissolved in just a little bit of milk; mix. Hour cooks 1/2 and adds the lemon juice. When she is well dumbfounded milk, key the rajitas of cinnamon in their surface and dust the sugar, without moving. Continue cooking approximately low fire during 2 hours. Retire of the fire until the liquid has been almost consurnido that surrounded curdles by milk. (Milk does not have to never boil.)

Creation date: May 31, 2006 11:30am     Last modified date: May 31, 2006 11:34am   Last visit date: Dec 6, 2024 8:38pm
1 / 1000 comments
Dec 28, 2007  ( 1 comment )  
Kathy Carr (kathy)
What's the tablet? And what is "dumbfounded milk"???
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