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Jesus said:  "My mother and brothers are those who hear the word
of God and DO IT."  Luke 8:21 RSV

"For whoever DOES THE WILL of my Father in heaven is my
brother, and sister, and mother."  Matthew 12:50 RSV

If we truly obey The Ten Commandments, the moral precepts of
the Law of Moses, and the teaching of Jesus, then we are brothers
and sisters in Christ.  --and we have a duty to lay down our lives
for one another.

It is a tragedy that many SDAs are still carnal because they do not
know how to discern the body of Christ.  (Instead of those words of
Jesus, they are using the false "Gospel of Health Reform" and the
testimonies of Ellen White that call the Seventh Day Adventist
Church "HIS CHURCH"*)  The unsound doctrine of the SDAs has
caused divisions and strife in the body of Christ for 150 years.

Paul wrote this to the Corinthian Church --and it certainly applies
to the SDA church as well:

"For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and
strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?  For while
one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not
carnal?"  1 Corninthians 3:3-4  

The Seventh Day Adventist Church saith: "I am of Ellen White".

It is time for the SDA church to grow up and trash "The Gospel of
Health Reform" and other testimonies of Ellen White that do not
agree with the teaching of Jesus and the apostles.

Donna Kupp


"The Lord would bring HIS PEOPLE into a position where they
WILL NOT  touch or taste  the flesh of dead animals"  {PUR,
November 7, 1901 par. 1}

God demands that the appetites be cleansed, and that self-denial be
practiced in regard to those things which are not good. This is a
work that will have to be done before HIS PEOPLE can stand
before Him a perfected people. . . ." {AG 294.4}

"The meat diet is the serious question. Shall HUMAN BEINGS
live on the flesh of dead animals. The answer from the light GOD
HAS GIVEN ME is, No, decidedly NO.  CDF, p. 388

"Every TRUE CHRISTIAN will have control of his appetite..."
{TSDF 164.3}

Jesus ate flesh-meat.  The apostles ate flesh-meat.  Jesus was
without sin --or we would not have a saviour.

Donna Kupp

I am not a Seventh Day Adventist (and never have been), a natural
Jew, or a Catholic.  I am simply the least of Christ's brethren who
love Him and keep His Commandments.

Creation date: Mar 9, 2009 12:20pm     Last modified date: Jul 15, 2017 5:51pm   Last visit date: Oct 2, 2024 11:05am
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