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My husband and I have never been  members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. (However, we believe that Jesus is coming again!)  We do not belong to any denomination --nor do we want to organize one.

We have absolutely no agenda except to give our lives to the Lord and serve His people.  Anyone who trusts in Jesus as their saviour and obeys Him as their Lord is our brother or sister.

I had belonged to the denominational church system for many years; worshipped on Sunday; experienced supernatural gifts; then, two questions radically changed my life ...

1.  Donna, do you really want to know the truth?
     (I thought "Yes, of course, I want to know the truth. It would be foolish to believe a lie.")

2.  Donna, will you obey the truth --no matter what the cost?
     My answer was a whole-hearted "Yes!"

I started to put everything to the test --even my supernatural spiritual experiences.  I can still remember praying to God "You have said in your word: 'prove all things; hold fast that which is good'; so please don't be offended if I test this spiritual manifestation.  I want to stand with you Father and your truth; but I don't want anything from Satan.  I soon discovered that I was deceived about many things.

I had been in the church system for forty years; but couldn't even recite The Ten Commandments! My help came from the man who became my husband. He encouraged me to take a neutral attitude about the subject at hand; and then, prayerfully search the scriptures for the right answer.

When I recognized an error, I would never delay choosing the side of truth.  I would ask God for forgiveness, and when possible, would renounce my former belief before
others that I had previously influenced with my error.

My husband and I came to learn about the seventh day Sabbath from personal Bible Study. Our writing is based upon that study.

God bless ...

Donna Kupp

Creation date: Mar 22, 2009 6:28am     Last modified date: Jul 15, 2017 5:37pm   Last visit date: Sep 27, 2024 12:42am
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