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Sample Skills List
The following is a list of skills included in the Presbyterian Church's 'Pastor Information Form'.   We include it here just to give an example of the many different skill areas that a minister might have.

___ Administrative Leadership

___ Adult Ministry

___ Budget Preparation

___ BuildingRenovation/Property  Development

___ Children’s Ministry

___ Communication (Written/Oral)

___ Community Ministries

___ Community Service andLeadership

___ Conflict Management/Mediation Skills

___ Congregational Communication

___ Congregational Fellowship

___ Congregational Home Visitation

___ Congregational Redevelopment/Transformation

___ Corporate Worship/Sacramentsand Preaching

___ Counseling

___ Cultural Proficiency/Cross Cultural Collaboration

___ Curriculum Building

___ Defining Program Needs

___ Development of New Educational Experiences

___ Ecumenical and Interfaith Activities

___ Evaluation of Program and Staff

___ Facility Management

___ Family Ministry

___ Financial Management

___ Fund Raising

___ Governing Body Ministry

___ Group Process

___ Hospital and Emergency Visitation

___ Information Technology

___ Involvement in Mission Beyond Local Church

___ Leadership Development

___ Leadership ofStaff/Volunteers

___ Management of Building Usage

___ Management of Equipment Resources

___ New Church Development

___ Office Management

___ Older Adult Ministry

___ Organizational Administration

___ Organizational Leadershipand Development

___ Policy(Denominational)/Constitutional Knowledge

___ Pastoral Care

___ Problem Solving/DecisionMaking

___ Project Management __Scholarship/Publishing

___ Spiritual Development

___ Staffing/Human Resource

___ Stewardship and Commitment Program

___ Strategic Planning

___ Teaching

___ Training Volunteers

___ Urban Ministry

___ Youth Ministry

___ Young Adult Ministry

Creation date: Mar 24, 2010 11:51am     Last modified date: Nov 16, 2010 8:31am   Last visit date: Sep 11, 2024 4:51pm
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