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Playdoh, Homemade

2 C. boiling water

food coloring (about 50 drops of whatever color you want if it's a primary color)
2 1/2 - 3 c. flour (I end up using 3 c. or more)
1/2 c. salt
3 TB. oil
1 TB. cream of tarter
Mix dry ingredients well, add boiling colored water
Knead like dough until fully mixed
Store in air tight container

The Best Playdough Recipe



  1. Mix everything but the food coloring together in a large pot until somewhat smooth. It will be lumpy. Not to worry, the dough will get smoother as it cooks.
  2. Cook the dough over a low heat. Mix frequently. The water will slowly cook out of the mixture and you’ll notice it starts to take on a sticky dough appearance. Keep mixing until the edges of the dough along the side and bottom of the pan appear dry. Pinch a piece of dough. If it’s not gooey, the dough is ready.
  3. Place the dough on a counter top or large cutting board that can withstand a little food coloring.
  4. Knead the warm dough until it’s smooth and then divide it into the number of colors that you’d like to make. I divided mine into four balls, flattened each of them, added a little bit of food coloring or liquid watercolors, and then kneaded it in. I added more food coloring to get the desired shades of yellow, pink, teal, and lavender.
  5. Play with the dough right away or store it in a large Ziplock bag or sealed container. Unused, it’ll keep for months. For play dough tool ideas, you can read this post.

Creation date: Jul 3, 2010 1:47pm     Last modified date: Jan 16, 2017 2:03pm   Last visit date: Jun 11, 2024 9:51am
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