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A Prayer to Love Unconditionally

God, Our Father, Source of all Love


Thank You for loving me. It is because You love me first that I am able to love others.


The love I feel for others is only a fraction of the love You feel for me. Though I am not proud of it and as much as I hate to admit it, the love I have for others is often times conditioned. Often times, I pray for someone to change the behavior that I find challenging, in order that I might be able to love them more fully.


How blessed I am that You did not require me to change my behavior before You found me worthy of Your love. How blessed I am that You love me right where I am.  You always have. You encourage me to grow in Your love but even when I'm at my worst, You do not abandon me.  You do not withhold Your love until I come around!


Help me to love like that, Jesus! Remove every fear and every ounce of pride that blocks Your love from flowing through me freely.


Help me to always be aware that other people encounter You - through me!  May I never misrepresent You in any of my thoughts, words, actions or deeds!  How sad it would be that someone not feel Your love because I do not make it visible to them.


Jesus - may Your name and Your love always be glorified in the life that I live, the choices that I make and the people that I encounter on my life's journey.



Creation date: May 7, 2011 7:13am     Last modified date: May 25, 2014 7:08am   Last visit date: Sep 20, 2024 2:58am
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