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A Prayer of Faith when Suffering Comes

Dear Jesus,


Life is full of trials, is it not?  You yourself experienced many trials when you became Man.


You know my heart, Lord Jesus, and You know that I hate suffering of any kind.


You also know that I love You with all of my heart. I know that You are all loving, all wise, and all compassionate. I know deep inside myself that You will not allow any trial that You can not transform into something good. And so, I have this to offer.  With Your divine help, I will do my best to bear any trial that comes my way - today, this week and any time throughout my life.  I trust that You will give me the strength to bear all for a greater good. I just ask that You not leave me - even for one second - to bear these trials alone.


Strengthen me.  Use me. Unite any suffering that comes my way to Your divine suffering. Help me to be a true daughter of God, Most High.


I ask it in Your Most Holy and Loving Name.



Creation date: May 7, 2011 7:19am     Last modified date: May 25, 2014 7:06am   Last visit date: Oct 2, 2024 12:55pm
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