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Hillary Rodham Clinton: Living History
Living History
Hillary Rodham Clinton's Autobiography
In 2003, Hillary Rodham Clinton released a 562-page autobiography, Living History. The book sold more than one million copies in the first month following publication and has been translated into 12 foreign languages. Clinton's audio recording of the book earned a Grammy Award nomination for Best Spoken Word Album.
Although Clinton is known around the world, few people beyond her close friends and family really know the details of her extraordinary journey. She writes about her middle-class upbringing in the 1950s and her path from Goldwater Girl to student activist to controversial First Lady. Living History also touches on her life through the White House years, and of course, it is also her memoir of living history with Bill Clinton, a thirty-year adventure in love and politics that survives numerous ups and downs and constant public scrutiny.
On President Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky:
"These were terrible moments for all of us. I didn't know whether our marriage could -- or should -- survive such a stinging betrayal, but I knew I had to work through my feelings carefully, on my own timetable."
After the president's televised statement admitting the affair and after his testimony to Starr:
"Bill's standing in public opinion polls remained high. His standing with me had hit rock bottom....I could barely speak to Bill, and when I did, it was a tirade."
The only thing that matters, with any book, is this: Is it worth reading? And in the case of Living History, the answer is's going to be hard for any but the most partisan to ignore her grace, and her mix of self-confidence and the insecurities that seem to burden us all.
 - Kansas City Star
Living History is neither living nor history. But like Hillary Rodham Clinton, the book is relentless, a phenomenon that's impossible to ignore and impossible to explain.
 - The New York Times 
[Hillary] Clinton has produced a surprisingly engaging and, at points, even compelling book. Especially once the couple reaches the White House; she provides enough of a peek behind the curtain to keep the pages turning. She presents intriguing new details on her role in shaping the policies of her husband's presidency.
 - Los Angeles Times
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Creation date: Apr 18, 2007 6:56pm     Last modified date: Apr 27, 2007 7:46pm   Last visit date: Sep 16, 2024 12:50am
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