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Better Homes & Gardens Meatloaf

this is a favorite:


2 eggs, beaten

3/4 c. milk

2/3 c. fine dry bread crumbs or 2 c. soft bread crumbs (I use Panko bread crumbs)

1/4 c. finely chopped onion

2 Tb. snipped fresh parsley

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. dried sage, basil, or oregano, crushed

1/8 tsp. black pepper

1.5 lbs. lean ground beef or ground pork

1/4 c. ketchup

2 TB. brown sugar

1 tsp. dry mustard


1.  In a medium bowl combine eggs and milk; stir in bread crumbs, onion and spices.  Add ground meat; mix well.  Lightly pat mixture into a 9x13 pan (it won't fill it up, but make an oval shape out of it.)

I spray PAM on the pan first.


2.  Bake in a 350 degree oven for 1 to 11/4 hours or until temp reaches 160 degrees F.  In a small bowl combine ketchup, brown sugar, and mustard; spread over meat.  Bake for 10 minutes more.  Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting.


Notes:  The secret to a good meatloaf is to mix it lightly with your hands and not overdo it.  I also like the grass fed beef for this recipe.  Finally, I actually double the sauce ingredients for the ketchup topping!

Creation date: Sep 2, 2016 9:28pm     Last modified date: Sep 2, 2016 9:44pm   Last visit date: Jun 9, 2024 7:49pm
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Sep 5, 2016  ( 1 comment )  
Julie Carr (beekielou)

YUMMY!  I'm going to try this recipe when we get back to Milwaukee.  Thanks for sharing.


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