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Amilcar Cabral’s revolutionary anti-colonialist ideas.pdf -- 3.7 meg


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Creation date: Mar 6, 2017 12:44pm     Last modified date: Mar 6, 2017 12:49pm   Last visit date: Aug 31, 2024 3:48am
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Oct 14, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
Josep Willksa (jw830491)

Cabral's ideas were rooted in the belief that colonialism was not just a political and economic system but also a deeply entrenched psychological and cultural force. He understood that the fight for liberation had to address not only the physical aspects of colonial rule but also the mental and cultural aspects that perpetuated subjugation.

One of Cabral's most influential ideas was the concept of "national liberation." He emphasized the importance of unity among diverse ethnic and cultural groups within a nation to collectively combat colonial oppression. His approach was inclusive, recognizing that the diversity of African nations could be a source of strength in the struggle for independence.

Cabral also stressed the significance of education and culture in the liberation process. He believed that a thorough understanding of one's history and culture was essential for empowering individuals and communities in the fight against colonialism.

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