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Export to Dymo LabelWriter

 You can export your K&S addresses to the Dymo Label Software program and print all or some of your addresses on your Dymo Label Writer. The simple steps are:

  1. Export the K&S address entries that you wish to print to a comma separated file (.csv)
  2. Import that file into the Dymo Label Software program
  3. Print


There are a few other details to consider so here is a step by step example:


Select the addresses that you wish to print as labels with your Dymo hardware and click the Export link (a couple of lines above your addresses).




Click the option "For export to other applications (.CSV file)".





If this is your first time doing an export to Dymo, click the "Create" button on the "CSV field name map" option.  If you have created this map before, you should select "Dymo" from the list.





If you are creating the map, fill in the Name field as Dymo. Uncheck all fields except Address, Address 2, City, State, Zip/Postal Code, and Country.  You won't need any of the other fields in the Dymo program.


Click "Save" to create the Export Name Map.






You now have everything set up to export your chosen addresses as a CSV file using the Dymo map that you created. Click the "Export Addresses" button.





Choose the "Save File" option and click OK. You are now ready to import those addresses into the Dymo program.






Choose the Address Book::New menu item.





Name your new address book (I named mine KAS) and click OK.




If you have done this before, you will be asked if you wish to replace an existing Dymo address book of that name. Since your actual address book is in K&S, you are safe to do this. You are merely replacing the temporary address book in Dymo.  If you want to keep the old one around, click NO ond give your new address book a different name.




Dymo will ask if you wish to import addresses from an existing file. Click Yes.





Select"CSV Text File" as the format of the file to import and click Next.





Point Dymo at your CSV file and click Next.




Now, you need to lay out the format of your label. This involves selecting a field on the left, clicking on the placement on the right (adding whatever puctuation, carriage returns, and spacing that you want), and clicking the arrow between the two boxes.  Do this for each of the fileds that you want to use in your label. Note that empty fields (such as Country in most of your addresses) will not take up any space or lines.




The above is the layout that I wanted. I added a ", " between City and State and added some extraspace between State and Zip/Postal Code.




You now have your addresses in a list in the left panel of Dymo.




Check the addresses that you wish to print labels for and the click the "Print" button.





Creation date: Feb 22, 2018 9:56am     Last modified date: Feb 22, 2018 9:58am   Last visit date: Feb 16, 2025 10:13am
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