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Marie’s Potatoes Lyonnaise

Potatoes lyonnaise  - Nov 2019


Rob, The recipe is long gone.

But you peel and slice an appropriate number of potatoes and slice an onion or two also. Heat a small amount of cooking oil in a large skillet and place potatoes and onions in it with a little salt and pepper.cover and cook until tender(30 or 40 minutes) Every ten minutes or so stir it all up.After it all starts to cook you want to turn the heat down to low. This is handy to make if you are using the oven for something else. Also it can sit on the stove and wail till the rest of the meal is ready.


Love, Mom

Creation date: Nov 25, 2019 4:42pm     Last modified date: Nov 25, 2019 4:42pm   Last visit date: Sep 25, 2024 3:59pm
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