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This is a real Word Processor
To view your information click on its' title.  But to use the Word Processor features you must edit the document by clicking on the "Edit" button. Click on the "Edit" button if you have not done so yet.

Now that you are in "Edit" mode (the title above should say "Edit Document" ), move the mouse over the icons immediately above this white box stopping at each one so that a pop up description will appear. You can use different types and sizes of fonts, colors, and you can use bold, italic, underline,
  • bullets,
  • insert links (URLs),
insert tables and pictures and much more.

Hold the mouse over each button on the left side to learn what they do.   You can give others viewing and/or editing privileges to any of your information.
Be sure to click on the blue "Help" link in the top right corner to view the video tutorials.   By watching a few minutes of videos you'll quickly become an accomplished KeepAndShare user.

Creation date: Feb 15, 2005 4:00pm     Last modified date: Aug 24, 2006 12:39pm   Last visit date: Sep 23, 2024 6:14am
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