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Meadowstone Rules and Regulations


March 15, 2006


The following Rules and Regulations have been established for the benefit of all Meadow Stone Lodge Owners.  These Rules and Regulations supplement the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (“The Declaration”), but do not change Owners’ obligations as set forth in the Declaration or the other Governing Instruments.  The Rules and Regulations may be amended from time to time by the Association’s Board of Directors. Compliance with the Rules and Regulations will permit Meadow Stone Lodge to run smoothly and efficiently.  Failure to comply may result in fines and/or the suspension of Owner rights and privileges.



To assist in reading the Rules and Regulations, the legal terms used in the Declaration have been dispensed here in favor of user-friendly language.  If a conflict arises between any provision of these Rules and Regulations and any provision of the Declaration, the provision of the Declaration shall take precedence. Common areas include the garage, hallways, elevators, lobbies and all indoor areas that are not inside of a specific condominium unit and its porch.  The Homeowners’ Club includes the kitchen, dining and living room area, the workout room, sauna, and the ski locker room.


Owner’s Responsibilities

It is the general guiding principle of these Rules and Regulations that each Owner has the responsibility to ensure that the common property of the Meadow Stone Lodge Homeowners Association and the rights and user experiences of each Owner be protected through the adoption of certain clear standards of behavior.



Damaged or missing property should be reported to KCA and the Board’s President (see below for contact information) immediately upon detection.  Each Owner is responsible for any damage done to the common areas including the homeowners club, elevators, hallways, common furnishings, fixtures or any other part of the Property.



Owners and guests are only allowed to use the single covered parking space that was deeded to the Unit at time of sale of that Unit.  Additional uncovered guest parking is available in front of Meadow Stone Lodge on a first come first served basis. The covered parking is considered a unit’s primary parking, which will leave the uncovered parking available for guests.  All cars parked in front of Meadow Stone Lodge must display a Meadow Stone Lodge parking pass or are subject to booting and/or towing. Free un-covered parking for extra vehicles is available at Kirkwood general parking areas.


Restricted Activities

Dangerous, offensive, or unlawful substances/activities may not be stored, introduced, or used within the Meadow Stone.  Noise and other activities should be monitored as not to disturb other occupants of the Meadow Stone Lodge.  Children should be supervised so they do not disturb other’s activities.  Quiet Time is 10 p.m. to 7a.m.

Building or Furnishing Modifications

Changes or modifications of any kind to common areas, or redecoration, structural changes, reorganization or removal of common furnishings and/or fixtures are prohibited unless approved by the Board.  The Association and the Meadow Stone Lodge Manager reserve the right to manage the repair and replacement of common area materials, fixtures and furnishings at their own discretion or when deemed necessary. 



Dogs must be on leash at all times when in Common Areas. Dogs are prohibited from defecating or urinating in the garage. Dogs are prohibited from the homeowner’s club. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs outside the building.



Smoking of any kind is not allowed in Common Areas or within 20 feet of the building, excepting within units and their private porches.  Smokers are not to leave any butts or debris inside or outside of the building, nor any standing ashtrays or buckets.


Skis and Snowboard Equipment 

Skis, snowboards and other equipment are not allowed to be left unattended in any of the common areas including hallways and stairwells. Owners must store all equipment in their individual Unit or in their Owner lockers located on the homeowners’ club or in any other common storage area. Owner’s who rent their units must provide for adequate storage of their renters’ equipment inside the Owner’s Unit and make sure that their renters are aware of this rule.



No bikes or recreational equipment of any kind is allowed in the common areas except as follows. Bikes may be stored in the area immediately in front of a Unit’s deeded parking spot.  If the association installs wall lock bolts, then Owners must supply their own locking cable or chain. If wall lock bolts are installed in other common areas of the garage they are reserved for assignment by the association to homeowner’s whose parking spaces do not have room for bike storage. 


Homeowners Club

Use of the homeowners club including the fitness room is restricted to Owners and their chaperoned guests only (renters are specifically prohibited). No children are allowed in the homeowners club under the age of 12 unless supervised by an adult. Use of the home entertainment center is on a first come first served basis but should be restricted to no more than 2 hours at a time to give each Owner equal opportunity for use. Music and videos played in the homeowners club should be appropriate for families and children as they have a right to use and enjoy the club even while the entertainment system is being used.


Barbecue Area

Use of the patio barbecue is on a first come first served basis. Owners should share when necessary and clean up after themselves.



Owners should maintain strict control of their building and homeowners club access keys.   Homeowners’ club keys should never be provided to renters. All access doors should remain closed and locked at all times. Doors should never be “propped open”.


Luggage Carts

Luggage carts/wagons are available in the parking garage for the use of Owners and their guests. Return them to the designated areas promptly after use.  Relock the luggage carts to guard against misuse by children or theft.  Children are prohibited from playing with or using the luggage carts.


Enforcement of Rules and Regulations

The Board expects all Owners and their guests to comply with the Rules and Regulations and the Declaration.  If you notice a violation or have a question, please email (or phone if urgent) both the KCA and our Board’s President (see below for contact information).   Any Owner or guest who has been advised (by a representative of these organizations) that they are in violation of the Rules and Regulations AND/OR the Declaration, shall immediately cease and desist that activity.  Owners who fail to comply with the representative’s direction after being notified that they are in violation of the regulations will then be referred to the Board for consideration of remedies or penalties authorized by the Declaration.


Amendment of Rules and Regulations

The Board of Directors may amend the Rules and Regulations from time to time.  All Owners will receive notice of any changes.  

Creation date: Mar 15, 2006 5:49am     Last modified date: May 5, 2006 9:48am   Last visit date: Sep 11, 2024 4:10am
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