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Post 102

Commander Gary Reimann


[from CaringBridge®  (]

[Last Updated] 4/08/2013


Written (4/8/2013 @17:30) by Matthew Reimann


Hello all,


Mom and Dad are home and doing great. Their first week back has gone very well. Friday 3/29/2013 Dad went in for a check up to see if he could drink liquids as he was still on a thicken liquid diet because the doctors were worried about pneumonia. Test came back good so now Dad can drink liquids again! He enjoyed a nice meal and coke with Timm. He also had his coumadin (blood thinner) tested again, and his levels were normal, they will periodically check his levels.


Poor Dad was sleeping on a love-seat, I brought over a recliner chair and he took two naps in it while I was visiting him that day.


They are now searching for a Cardio Doctor to start his Cardio Rehab.


His appetite is good and he is gaining strength everyday. Dads vocal cords are healed and he finally sounds like himself!


Thank you all for your prayers and support!


The Reimann's

Creation date: Mar 18, 2013 2:29pm     Last modified date: Apr 8, 2013 3:59pm   Last visit date: Sep 11, 2024 6:36am
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