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08 Julie

Update Received July 2013: I wanted to send a couple photos and to say that Julie continues to be such a gift for me. Everyone who meets her just loves her. She is so gentle and beautiful. She is still pretty fearful of some things like thunder and fireworks but otherwise she is doing very well and healthy as can be.  When I took her to the veterinary for her spring checkup, the doctor couldn't find any trace of the heart murmur that she had when she was rescued. Thanks to All Dog Rescue for fostering her and making it possible for me to adopt her.

Update Received November 2010:  Julie is just wonderful, and, yes, she continues to be known as Julie. She still gets a little scared sometimes, but everyone who meets her absolutely loves her, and she loves going for walks and going to the dog park where she tries to get other dogs to chase her and then flies like the wind! :-)


Update Received January 2010Wow! Julie's puppies are amazing and so big! I think they're larger than she is! Thank you for sharing these photos. Here's a couple new ones of Julie. She still looks a little sad and shy sometimes, but overall she's adjusting very well, I think. She loves her walks and playing with other dogs--the other dog in the second photo is Beechum, a friend's dog-- and she's a wonderful companion for me, so all is good!


Update Received September 2009Julie is such a special dog. Everyone who meets her is awed by her presence and her happy attitude. After her difficult start in life, she is now gaining weight, getting stronger, and learning to play. She has a very gentle personality and is really funny--finally getting to have the puppyhood that she couldn't have earlier in life. Thank you to All Dog Rescue for the wonderful work you do to give vulnerable animals a new chance at life.


Update Received August 2009: Things are going well so far. Julie loves her walks and is getting better about walking on the leash, not trying to chase every rabbit and squirrel that she sees--and we have lots! This past weekend we practiced not having to be in the same room at every moment of the day. :-) She'll go into the back yard by herself now. She also learned to sit! I'm not a very good trainer but she learned very quickly. Yesterday we tried playing with toys but she couldn't quite get the idea until today when she took one of the stuffed toys outside and ran around with it it like a lunatic! It was great fun to watch!Thank you for making it possible for Julie and her pups to have a new life. She is a wonderful dog.

Creation date: Jun 21, 2011 6:40pm     Last modified date: Jul 28, 2013 5:15pm   Last visit date: Sep 9, 2024 9:28am
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