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04 Ginger

Update Received July 2009: Brinley is doing amazing. She’s about 40 lbs. right now and has the strongest personality ever…I love it! She whines whenever she doesn’t get her way whether it’s she’s to tired to jump up on the bed or too lazy to walk down the stair…can we say spoiled rotten. She just started to like water and is learning to swim and not be quite so scared of her own splashes. She gets along great with other dogs and loves children as well. We’re still working on potty training though. She has an accident about once a week. Thanks again for everything! She’s really been a great pup for me.

Creation date: Jun 21, 2011 6:48pm     Last modified date: Jul 8, 2011 10:19am   Last visit date: Sep 9, 2024 9:30am
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