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04 Loki

Update Received April 2009: Loki is doing great! We just love her, and she has been such a good girl! I have been putting water on her food, and giving her ice cubes in her water since day 1, just something i've always done with my cats. The name stuck! We love it. We will always take very good care of her, rest assured;just another princess in the house now! The park right by my house still has the hockey boards up! As long as there still up I get to take her in my own private penned field and throw balls and sticks for her. The sticks are her favorite! The likes to bound real high the last couple steps, pretty funny. I will keep you posted. I have attached some pictures for you!

Creation date: Jun 21, 2011 6:49pm     Last modified date: Jul 8, 2011 10:23am   Last visit date: Sep 25, 2024 1:46pm
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