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DSP BB ACB minutes 10/19/13

ACB Meeting  10-19-13


No minutes from last meeting were read due to absence of Secretary at last meeting. Minutes were taken by Pat Neylon and have been posted on our bb acb keep and share site.


House Directors Report: Discussed arrangements for Homecoming and food offerings on Friday and Saturday.

House will be closing on Friday Nov. 22 at 6:00 and will open on the 29th at 3:00.


There will be an evacuation drill on October 31st. Sitar, Westbrook and Andrea will supervise this drill. Documents showing results to be submitted to Brooks.


Some discussion regarding homecoming construction and the disruption that has caused to everyday operations at the House. Discussed looking into alternative locations or arangements for next year.


House Presidents Report: Discussed results of grades for pledges, acum looks to be above 3.1. Eight pledges are below that threshold. Initiation is set for ---. --

Gave update on homecoming activities.

Pledgeship going well. Four pledges have dropped since being pinned. Discussed various reasons for them dropping out. Presently we have 42 pledges.


ACB President report Brooks: Disucssed five openings at Semester and how they will be filled with present pledges.


Discussed difficulty with out of house members and meals.


reccomended that Dom, Matt, and Dan look inot how to structure homecoming next year.


Treasurers Report by Stagner on conference call: Thirteen out of house fees unpaid. Approx. $45,000 outstanding for this semester presently.

Discussed cash flow issues.


Discussed expulsion proceedings against Dorrance.


Chapter Advisor Report by Sitar


Motion made by ? regarding outstanding fees owed. As of October 31st if you have $500 or more outstanding late fees will begin accumulating, at $30 per month for September and October. Offenders will be asked to appear before board at next meeting in November.


Motion made by Lowenberg and seconded by Adrian; The President and Treasurer of the ACB have the authority to spend up to $2,000 without Board approval  motion passed


Long discussion regarding existing rules in house and lack of adherance to those rules. Undergraduates would like to revisit several house rules and will make proposals for next meeting.


Discussed Spring Rush goal of 20 pledges.


Meeting adjourned.

Note from Secretary; It is becoming obvious to me that due to my hearing imparment it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to record meetings accurately and thouroughly. Please advise as to any inaccuracies upon review.


Respectfully submitted,



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