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"Daily Top Prayers" information

Daily Top Prayers Group

The Bible says:
  1. Believe in the power of prayer: "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective"  James 5:16
  2. Ask:  "You do not have, because you do not ask God"  James 4:2
  3. Don't give up asking:  "to show them that they should always pray and not give up"  Luke 18:1
  4. Constantly pray for those you're trying to help:  "we constantly pray for you"  2 Thessalonians 1:11
  5. Pray intensely:  "He is always wrestling in prayer for you"  Colossians 4:12

Why join a Daily Top Prayers (DTP) prayer group?

  • To see God's power in you and your friends' lives. 
  • To see answers to your and your friends' prayers. 
  • To significantly encourage your friends and to receive significant encouragement from them.
What is a DTP group?
Two or more friends who commit to the following commitment:
The DTP commitment:
  • To daily log on to see what your friend's top prayer requests are for that day and then to pray for them.
Optional DTP commitment:
  • To encourage your friends by leaving a short note after praying for them.  It could range from "I prayed for you" to encouraging him on one of his requests.
How can I daily quickly view my friend's top prayer requests for that day, communicate my top prayer requests, and leave encouragements?
With the new internet program,, this is incredible easy to do.
How long will this take? 
5 minutes a day if you have one or two others.  Longer if you want to help more people and to have more people praying for you.  For most, it's best to start out with a few partners.

How do I come up with my daily top prayer requests?
However you want.  One or more can be:
  • The application you want to apply this week from this week's sermon or best Quiet Time
  • A request you're praying for the whole year (maybe for your main new year resolution). 
  • A request you're praying for the whole month. 
  • A request you're praying for the whole week.
  • Some item you want to be accountable for.
  • An urgent medical condition.
  • The requests could be the same for days or several of them might change each day.  It's whatever you want others to petition the Lord for you.
Do I need to start out with a certain number?
You can start out with whatever number you want.  After a while some people average around 5 - 7 top prayer requests.
Pray constantly
Some people after praying for their friends top prayers like to remember one request from each friend and pray that one request throughout the day for them.
There are two basic DTP groups.  One-to-One Group and the Everyone-to-Everyone Group. 
One-to-One Group
One-to-One Group:  You pray for everyone and everyone prays for you.  But they don't pray for each other.  Use this group format when you want to do this with your friends but your friends don't know each other well.

Everyone-to-Everyone Group
Everyone-to-Everyone Group: Everyone prays for everyone else.  Use this group format with part or all of your small group or when your friends know each other.

Creation date: Nov 8, 2004 1:19pm     Last modified date: Nov 8, 2004 1:40pm   Last visit date: Dec 29, 2024 6:11pm
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