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7th Weekend - Switzerland
 Hello everyone

So I know it’s taken me awhile to write this weekend but it’s Mid-Terms week and this last weekend was really the least exciting (had a couple disappointments) and the most expensive.

But anyway….

I traveled with Joy Curry, Stephanie May, and Dave Brown.  We left the house at like 6 in the morning on Friday only for our first train to leave late and miss our connection and sit in the next train station 10 minutes away for an hour.  This was the first train that we actually saw pulling away as we were running up the escalator!

So, the first day we went to Interlaken and Stephanie paraglided which I would have loved to do but couldn’t spare the money.  Meanwhile, the rest of us just walked around town….it’s a very cute town in the middle of the Swiss Alps….very pretty.  There was a little river running through it that was the coolest green color!

Next, we went to Launterbrunnen, which has 72 waterfalls…we ended up getting there pretty late and only got to see 1…it was neat though because we got to hike up and stand almost behind it.

Next, we headed to Lucerne where we spent the 2 nights in the most expensive hostel I’ve stayed in yet…like $22 a night….but we couldn’t find anything cheaper!

Friday night, we had cheese fondue for dinner….it was amazing!

Saturday, we spent the day shopping in town.  I got myself a genuine swiss army knife for really cheap….they even put my name on it for free!  For lunch, we had some bread, cheese, and wine, and sat by the river!

The highlight of my day was this flea market thing that had the absolute coolest stuff….because it’s in Europe!  I walked around this thing for over an hour and saw so much stuff….an actual stoplight, a human skull, a shark’s jawbone, and endless cool furniture, dishes, etc.  I got these cool little cups and some other stuff for really cheap.

That night we met up with some of the other guys from the house for dinner and then headed to this club that was supposed to be really cool.  I was really excited to go dancing but we get to the club and it’s like a $12 dollar cover charge which none of us were expecting and we didn’t have enough money left so we couldn’t go in….so that was a bummer.  Girls, Switzerland was full of hot guys….I don’t know what it was but they were everywhere!

Sunday we had planned to do this boat ride, then cogwheel train up to the top of this mountain, then tobaggan ride and cable car down.  Some of the guys had gone last weekend and said it was awesome.  Anyway, turns out they were working on the cable car, so we couldn’t do that or the toboggan ride…..then when we finally get to the top of the mountain on the steepest cogwheel train in the world (30 min. ride) it is entirely fogged up….we cannot see a single thing over the edge!   We could’ve been 1 foot off the ground or 7,000 feet off the ground for all we could see!  And we’d paid over $20 to get up there….we waited a couple hours to see if it would clear up and it didn’t at all…so that really sucked.

The boat ride back was nice though.  Fall is just really amazing over here.  All the trees are different colors….one tree will be all red, another orange, another yellow, another still green….and put together on a mountain, it looks amazing!

Some funny stuff that happened this week….

Yesterday (Halloween) was Austin Miller’s birthday and as a practical joke, the night before, Jadd and Aaron put real handcuffs on him (someone bought them in Vienna) and pretended to lose the key, so that Austin was left in them all night and had to go to class in them the next day even, still in the same clothes of course!  Then, at Convo, Jadd made this funny announcement and gave him the key, which had never been lost!  It was great.

Then, last night we had a Halloween party down in the breakfast room and dressed up.  Everyone got so creative!  Kara and I were fairies and spent forever making wings!  They were made out of paper, supported by twigs, attached with bobby pins and safety pins, and decorated with tons of glitter and silver stars!  She was Fairy Annalina and I was Fairy Diora.  We had a blast!  Then we went to an enormous party at the German frat house 2 doors down…yeah our neighbors!  It was crazy with a zillion people and more hot guys in one place than I have probably ever seen in my life…..I love Germany!



Creation date: Sep 9, 2005 5:57am     Last modified date: Sep 9, 2005 6:43am   Last visit date: Sep 23, 2024 11:11am
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