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"word of God"
                  "word of God"

Jesus uses the phrase "word of God", when he is referring
to The Ten Commandments.  He specifically pointed to the
Fifth Commandment and called it both the
COMMANDMENT of God and the WORD of God (not
Moses) when he rebuked the Pharisees and the Scribes for
teaching that it was all right not to provide for one's parents
if the money was given to the temple as an offering.  Jesus

    "And why do you transgress the
                COMMANDMENT OF GOD
     for the sake of your tradition?"
                        Matthew 15:3 RSV

    "Thus have ye made the
               COMMANDMENT OF GOD
      of none effect by your tradition."
                        Matthew 15:6 KJV

     "Making the WORD OF GOD
           of none effect through your tradition..."
                        Mark 7:13 KJV

The English word "Commandment" is translated from the
Hebrew "dabar" which means:  "a word".  Therefore The
Ten Commandments are  the
                       Ten      "dabars"       of  God.

The apostle Peter tells us that the Old Testament Prophets
prophesied  as they were moved by "The Spirit of Christ."
       1 Peter1:10-12;  2 Peter 1:21

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and FOREVER."
                        Hebrews 13:8 KJV

Donna Kupp

"Here is the patience of the saints:
               here are they that keep the commandments of God,
                         and the faith of Jesus."  Rev 14:12 KJV)

Creation date: Apr 2, 2009 8:57am     Last modified date: Jul 29, 2017 3:29am   Last visit date: Aug 28, 2024 7:15pm
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