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"Hi Yo Silver, Awaaaay!"
"Hi Yo Silver, Awaaaay!"

The Lone Ranger Writes Again.

Sometimes a solitary man will separate himself from the established church system and will rebuke its lawless
condition.  Rather than reform the church by casting out those who are unwilling to repent, the religious authorities
often choose to direct their censures toward the vigilant ones by calling them "Lone Rangers."

The term "Lone Ranger" is intended to be an insult but it really is quite a compliment.  As I remember, this masked
rider was considered "one of the good guys" who used silver bullets to defend law and uphold justice.  In the old
west, it was only the law-breakers who clashed with the Lone Ranger ... Hmmmm.

We are told that the "Lone Ranger" approach is entirely out of place in the church ... but is it really?  What are the
righteous to do when God's law becomes only good advice and outlaws are flattered into believing they will not be put
to death on judgment day?

Down through history, its been the "Lone Rangers" who have brought law and order to the church.  Just one good
man can bring revival when he becomes an advocate of truth and dares to challenge the hypocrisy in the church.
Here are a few heroes of yesteryear:  Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, John Bunyan, John Wesley, and Charles G.
Finney.  All of those men opposed the religious system of their time and demanded obedience to God's law.  The
silver bullets those men used were:

 "The words of the LORD, pure words; as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."  Psalms 12:6

Those silver words are the bullets from God that pierce the conscience of people faster than any bullet known to man.
They kill the old man but bring life to the new man in Christ.

Whenever we see a stranger firing silver bullets, let's take a close look at his target.  If he is aiming at those false
teachers who say that a Christian can continue to commit sin and still inherit eternal life, then we better not shoot him

Hi Yo Silver, Awaaaay!

Harold and Donna Kupp
The Seven Deadly Deceptions Of Counterfeit Christianity

Creation date: Apr 6, 2009 8:11am     Last modified date: Mar 14, 2014 8:39am   Last visit date: Dec 31, 2024 2:34pm
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