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Tri Tip for a crowd- Kathy Cheek's directions

Cut off the membrane and extra fat from the tri tip.


Preseason with Montreal's Steak Seasoning and a mixture of garlic with salt.


Can cut the whole tri tip in half to make cooking more even.


Preheat BBQ grill to high.  Put meat on and turn every 7 or 8 minutes.


Use tongs, not a fork to turn the meat.  Push it and see how firm it is.


If burning, move it to the outside.


Can rub a stick of butter on it while cooking to keep from drying out.


Take off fire while still really pink.


Wrap in foil right away and put in aluminum pans to catch juices.


Let it rest 20 min., then put it back in the juice and cut it up.


Rich cooked it almost on full high for 5 minutes each side.  Rubbed butter on the cooked side

Then on a little bit above medium cooked it another 13 minutes (rotating every 5-6 minutes).  Was still somewhat pinked.  Probably should have taken it out at 21 instead of 23 minutes.  Let the thicker piece cook for another 5 minutes.



Crockpot tri tip- can also put a pre-seasoned tri tip in a crockpot with 1-2 c. beef broth and then shred to tacos, or sandwiches, etc.


Creation date: Nov 12, 2013 8:59pm     Last modified date: Nov 20, 2013 6:37pm   Last visit date: Jun 30, 2024 10:32am
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