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2021 Thanksgiving Homemade Pizza bakeoff - Stanley Tucci


Nov 2021 Thanksgiving made this crust:


No Rise Pizza Dough - Oh So Delicioso   (copied below)


I followed their recipe pretty closely, except I used 50-60% whole wheat.  I let it proof in warm oven 15-25 min or so then rolled it out.  Worked great.  Came out really thin.


Ian chopped ingredients, and Rose decided what combos to make:


Each combo had tomato sauce spread on the crust first (next time maybe brush olive oil on it first)


Pizza one: broccoli, tomato, basil, ricotta, red chili flakes 

Pizza two: sausage, salami, cowgirl creamery cheese, parmesan, mushroom, red onion, tomato 

Pizza three: red onion, bell pepper, manchego, goat cheese, basil 


No Rise Pizza Dough - Oh So Delicioso   



=>it's a rather crappily written recipe, (down below); here is my version:


Mix in bowl:

  • 1.5C flour  (I like to mix whole wheat and white 50/50)
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp shortening
  • when well mixed, add 1 package yeast
  • add 1 C warm water (say warmth you get from faucent, not from boiling tea kettle as too much heat will kill yeast)

Mix more, then continue to mix and progressively add more of flour (from .5 to 1.5C additional) (of same 50/50 mixture or whatever you're using).  Mix until dough pulls from side of bowl, then take out, knead a few times, then set in warm bowl in warm oven (say 120f, no hotter) to "prove" (that is, let the yeast rise).  You can let it rise almost zero time, but 15-30min is better.


Take proved dough out of oven and set oven to 415 F.

Divide and roll dough into 3 to 6 separate pizza pies.


Add your ingredients and cook in oven 15-20min, till crust is browned and crispy.



 ▢1 cup hot water
 ▢1 Tablespoon sugar
 ▢1 Teas salt
 ▢1 Tablespoon shortening
 ▢1 Tablespoon yeast
 ▢2 + cups flour divided
Combine 1.5 cups of flour and all dry ingredients, putting yeast in LAST.
Mix dry ingredients, pour in hot water until well blended and sticky. Slowly adding flour until dough forms a ball and pulls away from the side of the mixer.(about ½ cup more -1 cup)
Let rise for a few minutes, if you have time.
Flour a surface and roll out dough, place on greased pizza pan. Add toppings.
If making personal pan sized pizzas- divide dough into 4-6 small balls. Spray a piece of parchment paper with cooking spray and place small dough ball on parchment paper and roll thin.
Bake at 415°F (210°C) for 15 minutes (+ or - depending on crust size and thickness)
dust a surface with flour
roll dough out into a circle, or what ever shape your pizza pan is. Roll it about 2 inches larger than your pan. 
you can double check its size by placing the pan on top of you dough. 
grease, or use parchment paper and place dough on pan. Then roll up your ends to crust. 

Creation date: Nov 28, 2021 6:57am     Last modified date: Jan 9, 2022 5:33pm   Last visit date: Dec 27, 2024 8:46am
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Nov 29, 2021  ( 1 comment )  
Kathy Carr (kathy)

These were great homemade pizzas with a cheese I never heard of- manchego!

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