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A Prayer
Dear Father in Heaven,
I am your daughter.
Make of me the person You had in mind when you created me.
Bring me into the ideal relationship You envisioned when You first created man.
Allow my faith to continue to grow and with each passing day may it be greater than the day before.
Please fill me with Your love, Your wisdom, and Your compassion.  Fill me to the point that it overflows from me and into the world around me.
Guide me always, Father.  Help me to recognize Your guidance and give me the grace to act upon it.
For You are my Father - and I love you.

Creation date: Jan 20, 2010 4:26am     Last modified date: Nov 24, 2010 3:11pm   Last visit date: Aug 28, 2024 8:09pm
1 / 20 comments
Nov 26, 2010  ( 1 comment )  
Cheryl Leadbeater (together_we_will_grow)
Very Nice......
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