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A Prayer of Praise

I praise You for Your great Love. I praise You for Your Wisdom. I praise You because you are perfect in every way.


Who am I but a mere creature?  I have NOTHING that did not come from You. Therefore - I own nothing.  I am merely a steward of everything you have entrusted to me.  Even my life is not my own but created by you to serve Your purpose.  My personal plans mean nothing to me - because anything I do and anything I accomplish that does not serve Your purpose is meaningless in the grand scheme of things.


Oh Lord, I am Yours. Make of me what You will. I give my all to You. I do not know what You want me to do. I just want to be available to You to use whenever and however You please.


Show me how I can honor You as I give my life to you.



Creation date: May 7, 2011 7:54am     Last modified date: Nov 6, 2014 3:07am   Last visit date: Aug 30, 2024 9:24am
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