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The Good News of Jesus

The Good News of Jesus


God’s Gift for Us (includes)


(1) Adoption

"But to all who believed [Jesus]

and accepted him,

he gave the right

to become children of God.

They are reborn"

John 1:12 (book of John in the Bible, chapter 1, verse 12) 


(2) Eternal Life 

"so [Jesus] must be [crucified],

so that everyone who believes in him

will have eternal life.⁠”  

John 3:14


Our Problem, God’s Solution


(3) Cut Off From God

"It’s your sins

that have cut you off from God.

Because of your sins,

he has turned away

and will not listen anymore."

Isaiah 59:2  


(4) Results in Eternal Death

"each person is destined to die once

and after that comes judgment,"

Hebrews 9:27

"For the wages of sin is death,"

Romans 6:23


(5) God's Solution

"... the LORD laid on him

the sins of us all."

Isaiah 53:6


(6) Not By Works  

"God saved you by his grace

when you believed.

And you can’t take credit for this;

it is a gift from God.

Salvation is not a reward

for the good things we have done."

Ephesians 2:8-9


How to Receive God’s Gift


(7) BELIEVE: Only Jesus' Death Saves You  

"People are made right with God

when they believe

that Jesus sacrificed his life,

shedding his blood."

Romans 3:25


(8) REPENT: Turn from Your Sins & Decide to Follow & Serve Jesus 

"Now repent of your sins

and turn to God,

so that your sins may be wiped away."

Acts 3:19

"If any of you wants to be my follower,

you must give up your own way,

take up your cross,

and follow me [Jesus]."

Mark 8:34



  1. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son, and that He paid the penalty for my sins and You raised Him to life.
  2. I rely only on what Jesus has done on the cross rather than on what I do to save me.
  3. I want to turn from my sins and ask for Your forgiveness.
  4. I want Jesus to take control of my life. 
  5. Help me to live to obey and serve Jesus as my Lord and trust Him as my Savior.
  6. Thank you for your gift of adoption and eternal life!


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Creation date: Aug 15, 2024 7:37am     Last modified date: Aug 15, 2024 7:58am   Last visit date: Sep 29, 2024 9:03am
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