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NY-Wash Regional Conference Leader Reports 2018










The Elnora P. Hamb Health Initiatives of the Women’s Missionary Council of the CME Church is a partnership with the Balm In Gilead.  The purpose of the Health Initiative is to train, educate, inform and serve as an advocacy for our local congregations to be aware of life threatening health issues. We have been in a continuing partnership with the Balm In Gilead through the African American Denominational Leadership Health Initiative since March 2005.  Dr. Sonia P. Brown, DNP, ANCP-BC, from St. John CME Church is the Women’s Missionary Council National Chair.


November 14-17, 2017, I along with Dr. Sonia P. Brown and Roberta Bell attended the Healthy Church 2020 National Conference at the Westin Resort Hotel in Hilton Head, SC.  Healthy Churches 2020 is a National Multi-Platform Initiative bringing Faith and Public Health together to help eliminate Health Disparities affecting African-Americans.  The conference was action packed with Health Workshops, Institutes, Exhibitors and Praise and Worships.  Bishop Teresa E. Jefferson-Snorton led the daily Morning Devotions.  Our own Bishop James B. Walker was the Master of Ceremonies for the Prayer Breakfast.   Rev. Laura Wilson, former pastor of Faith CME Church in Charlotte, NC was one of 5 pastors who received the 2017 Best Practice Health Ministry Award.  I was blessed not only with a wealth of information on health to share with our churches but, with a Spiritual experience. Healthy Church 2020 has a power point presentation of the conference that is available on line.  This year’s the Healthy Churches 2020 Conference will be held at the Grand Marriott Resort & Spa Hotel, Point Clear, AL from November 13-16, 2018.  Registration will open Easter Sunday, April 1, 2019.  Early registration from April 1-15th is $225.


On January 15, 2018, I was on a telephone call with Dr. Sonia Brown and 4 other Episcopal Health Coordinators.  They were from the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th Episcopal Districts.  We talked about sharing health information with the churches; how to connect with online training; and potential training.  We also talk about submitting a resolution to the 2018 General Conference for the CME Church to establish a Health Initiative.  The resolution read in part: “for the CME Church to promote health awareness among its members.”  I am pleased to report the resolution was passed by the General Conference. 


Balm In Gilead’s Sunday Morning Health Corner is your place to get weekly health information for your congregations and communities.  You can click and download the week’s featured Health Bulletin to be inserted into the church bulletin.  You can get more information on their website:


We do not know what tomorrow holds, but we do know that our churches and our faith in Jesus as Christ will always be our bridge over troubled waters. I will continue to send information and encourage every church in our Episcopal District to have a Health Ministry.  God bless.


















With the assistance of the Presiding Elders of the NY-Washington Annual Conference, this Committee has received information on 40 of the 64 churches in this Annual Conference.  Reporting is as follows:  Washington/Virginia District:  21/27 bldgs, or 77% compliance (noting 3 churches do not have buildings); Philadelphia District:  7/14 churches, or 50% compliance, and NY/NE District:  12/20 churches for a 60% compliance rate.  Given the amount of time invested in attempting to collect these deeds, and the provisions of ¶602§5 regarding the status of church properties in the absence of a Trust Clause, it seems prudent to concentrate efforts on the next step, which is making changes to these Deeds so they are consistent with the Discipline.


We have compiled an index of churches with the status of all deeds received to date, and all information has been digitized.  A preliminary letter was emailed earlier this month to those Pastors with properties in their charges that were not titled in accordance with the Discipline.  The email laid out the appropriate trust clauses based on the use of the property, and advised  them to seek legal counsel to begin the process.  They were asked to respond by July 13, 2018.  As of this writing, no responses have been received.


While the assistance of the Presiding Elders and the legal consultant, Cheri Hamilton, Esq, has been invaluable, the next steps will likely be more effective if undertaken by committees. As stated last previously, we have identified the specific changes needed in the deeds.  The process for inserting the Trust Clause varies by state. The lack of response from Pastors noted above is quite understandable; this is a complex legal matter.  Therefore, with the Bishop’s approval, the goal for next year is to meet with the members of the Committee and task a subcommittee in each District with contacting Pastors and Boards of Trustees, assisting and empowering them to make the necessary changes (we are Methodists; this is simply an application of Wesley’s small groups).  It would be desirable to have an attorney on each subcommittee; in addition to the intended use of the properties, the incorporated status of each Church will be one of the determining factors in the Trust Clause wording.  These specifics are best left to attorneys.   I am happy to share a proposed timetable with the subcommittees; if they could then make quarterly reports on their progress, perhaps we could keep the momentum going and begin to effect the necessary changes. 


Last year it was reported that the Committee would expand, but that expansion has not properly taken place.  It is a necessary prerequisite to the continued viability of the Committee and therefore will be its first priority.


As always, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve.


Respectfully submitted,



Cassandra G. Perry

Chair, Committee on Titles and Deeds

July 13, 2018












Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

Seventh Episcopal District

New York-Washington Region

Ministers’ Spouses, Widows, & Widowers



To:  Bishop James B. Walker, First Lady Delois Walker and members of the 150th Session of the New York - Washington Region Annual Conference. I present my report as President of the New York - Washington Region Ministers' Spouses, Widows and Widowers.



As we have reached the end of another conference year, it was truly blessed for all of us as we experienced the comforting presence and guidance of the Lord and His provision for every step of every day!  We have welcomed new spouses, utilized modern technology to contact members reminding and informing them of financial obligations, duties, encouragements, bereavements, illnesses and schedule of dates on all levels of the CME church for the year. Our spouses have not only been active in their local churches, but also on the District, Region levels as well as in their communities. Heartfelt thanks to our District Presidents for their time, ideas, input and enthusiasm. District activities included: Washington-Virginia - President, Gwendolyn Agee, – this was their third year in doing outreach with different shelters in each of the three zones. Zone 1 partnered with N Street Village which empowers homeless and low-income women of Washington, D.C., and were recipients of bath towels, wash cloths and travel size toiletry items. Zone 2 partnered with Village Homeless Out Reach for Personal Empowerment (H.O.P.E.) donating a “House Warming Basket”. Zone 3 partnered with Tri County Community Action Agency which supports victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault donating to them household and hygiene items. This year we also blessed the Women Shelter’s for Mother’s Day. Sister Agee, thank you for your remarkable leadership during the last 4 years. Congratulations to Sister Aquanda Watts, spouse of Rev, Wendall Watts of St. James in Lynchburg Virginia who was elected President of Washington/VA. District. New York-New England - President, Rev. Geraldine McCullough – opened their District Conference with a luncheon. The theme was “Renewing Our Commitment to God in Word and Deed”. Their speakers were young adults Sis Hannah T. Brown and Bria N. McCullough. They partnered with a local school, Capital Prep Harbor and blessed a local Women’s Transitional House, Refocus Ministry, with items and monetary gifts.  Philadelphia President, Romaine Dillahunt – partnered with New Beginnings donating items to individuals who transition into new apartments.


Henry C. Bunton Scholarship Fund – This year the Henry C. Bunton Scholarship will again continue in the form of a direct fundraiser entitled “Lighting the Pathway to Pastoral Education”.  

There are three levels of giving; the Silver level – any donation up to $20, the Gold level - $25, and the Platinum level - $35. We also have a certificate for churches donating any amount above the Platinum level.

Our goal for 2018 is set again at $10,000. Last year over $5,000 was raised strictly through pledges. We ask that you prayerfully consider planting seeds into one of the most important initiatives of the C.M.E. Church - educating preachers, ministers and pastors.

Barbara H. Sommerville Scholarship - This annual award, which alternates within the two regions, will see the recipient come from the Carolina region.

The Ocie Harriet Hoyt Child Care Ministry - Last year our children's ministry was modified to adjust to Bishop Walker's Conference format. We truly thank Sister Regina Geams of New Bethel C.M.E. of Rochester, NY for volunteering her time to take care of the children. Our theme for the child care, “Little Kings and Queens”, is emblematic of who the ministry is named after. Services will be provided at the Annual Conference this year.

Social Concerns - Some of our focuses will continue to be in the areas of Health and Wellness, care givers for family members and voting. We encourage healthy eating, spiritual meditation, exercise and some personal 'me' time. The spouses support and encourage each other and celebrate praise reports such as new grandchildren, children studying abroad, graduations, enrollment in college, anniversaries and restored health.

The spouses are grateful to the conference host pastors Rev. Alfred S. Parker Jr. - Mt. Zion C.M.E. and Rev. Tiggs E. Washington - Williams Temple C.M.E. and church families for their cooperation and support to make our conference activities a success. We are also thankful to Bishop Walker and First Lady Delois Walker for their continued support. As President, I encourage our spouses to P.E.P. it up – Purpose, Encourage and Pray!  Finally, I am especially grateful to each and every spouse, widow and widower for their teamwork and look forward to greater accomplishments in our Zion this upcoming conference year.



Respectfully Submitted,

Gwenette B. Jones

Sis. Gwenette B. Jones

Region President










Date:              July, 2018


To:                  Bishop James B. Walker


Copy:             Sister Sandra Chambers, Missionary Society president


From:             Ada Suarez


Re:                  2017-2018 Missions Trip report





1)JUNE/JULY, 2018- BAYAMO, CUBA (6/23-7/3/2018)

In partnership with the Hispanic Baptist Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, I was able to participate as one of the eleven members on the Cuba mission team trip.  This was a unique mission trip as we traveled to a communist country.  Despite all of the questions about possible situations we might encounter, the name of the Lord was glorified. It was a supernatural visit!  Before leaving for Cuba, we were nervous because of the expectation the church in Cuba had with our visit.  They were excited about our visit and we didn’t want to disappoint.  The following is the testimony of one of the team members which captures the team’s feelings and emotions:


(Zaibel Torres): “When I got there the expectation they had about our visit reminded me of the woman who bled for 12 years.  She knew without a doubt Jesus would heal her and when she touched him she would be healed. He didn’t touch her, he didn’t pray for her nor do anything fancy for her healing. She touched him. She expected something, she had the expectation. And Jesus turned to her and told her, your faith has healed you. That’s the type of faith I saw in Cuba and it wasn’t ignored by God. God responded to their expectation and in the process we were privileged to witness it and we were inspired, moved and blessed.”


When people shared their testimonies, we cried.  Because, honestly, we are used to hearing people tell their testimony with the motive of getting a handout or for you to feel sorry for them.  But there in Cuba, they only shared how God saved them or provided for them. 


(Zaibel Torres testimony continues) “I met one woman who was homeless for years, living off friends.  And she prayed that God would give her a home to call her own. One day, after years of praying, she found a government program that she qualified for that gifted her a house. A family of 6 in a one-bedroom home and half the house had no roof.  And she said God answered her prayer in that one room that has no roof.  She placed plastic chairs there and a homemade pulpit.  And every Tuesday they have church in that room. And so many people attend church there. Then she said, ‘I have clothes on my back, everyday food shows up in some way, God always provides and we never go without.’ She gave me the tour with a proud smile.”


The youth were with us day and night. They rode the bus every day to seize every moment with us. They didn’t like it when worship and prayer ended. They wanted to go all night, and worship was like a dance party.  We walked out drenched in so much sweat that you would’ve thought we were baptized in a pool!


Bonds were formed and our last day was all waterworks, as we all cried so much because now they were no longer strangers, they were family. And they gave us an amazing gift – they said they will pray for us 7 minutes a day on the 7th day of each month. “So now I come home with the expectation they had of our visit. Someway, somehow we need to spark that flame to life here. And I have an expectation!”


There, in Cuba, they didn’t advertise church.  The PEOPLE experienced a real God and ran home to tell others. The churches CANNOT have a sign because the government won’t allow it.  The only churches allowed to “operate” are those who were up and running before Fidel Castro become ruler.  The rest of the churches are “house churches” and THOSE churches aren’t allowed to be “official churches.”  Even without a sign, they had over 300 members! There the churches did not compete; they all supported each other and prayed for each other. If they knew you were evangelizing the gospel, they wanted to know how they could support you. If they knew you lived near one of the “missions” (what we know as life groups or cells or small groups), they would refer you there. They supported and prayed for each other. They didn’t criticize a church or the people; they were busy expecting God to move! And He did!


“Now I have an expectation and I know I won’t be disappointed as my God responds!”




During this trip, the Lord gave us the opportunity to join the ministry of La Iglesia Nueva Creación in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic.  For me, this was an opportunity to go “home”.  During our time together, we were able to provide support to Dr. Cristina Castillo, a medical doctor who is fulfilling God purpose in her life by providing medical services to underserved communities and “barrios” in the center part of the island.  We were able to visit the following towns:  Batey 59, Hoyo Chino, Los Barrancones, Playa Linda, Najayo Playa, Zona Verde, Los Guineos, Los Refugios, Medio Hoyo and Cambelen. 


Some of the activities included:

  • Sunday school/Bible teaching under the mango tree
  • Medical clinics
  • Distribution of uncooked food (small bags of rice and beans)
  • Distribution of school supplies
  • Distribution of toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap and deodorant)


Sunday school/Bible teaching materials used were developed with the context of making it easy for them to understand, keeping cultural, social and economic competency at the forefront of importance.  At each of these events, evangelism tactics were used to bring people to Christ. Nutritious food is important because many people go hungry or aren’t able to eat something healthy on a daily basis.  With that in mind, something to eat was provided during Sunday school/Bible teaching.


The medical clinics were coordinated with the support of the community leader and local churches. The community leaders were responsible for outreach and publicity. One of our target audiences was women who were pregnant.  A registered nurse who was part of the mission team gave a workshop about neonatal care for themselves and the baby:  how to care for themselves during delivery as well as how to care for the baby when it arrives.  Each woman received a basket which included “essentials for delivery”:  a blanket, bibs, baby soap, pacifiers, baby lotion, washcloths, feminine care products, etc.  Information about how to not abuse the child was also provided. 


The most impactful part of the trip for me was the opportunity to minister to the fishermen.  We had the challenge of being at the beach at 5:00am because we wanted to witness and evangelize not only to the fishermen who were setting out to fish but also to those who were returning from fishing.  We asked them for prayer requests and most just wanted God to provide them with the ability to have a “good catch” of fish.  So while their prayer was to be able to catch an abundance of fish, our prayer was that God would enable us to catch an abundance of souls!  In addition to prayer, we also gave them some nutritious snacks.  The doctor held a clinic for the fishermen where she provided basic medication for sunburn, headache and stomach problems such as parasite prevention.  While they were being treated, we were praying and sharing Jesus with them.


During this and all mission trips, the main goal is to bring the love and Gospel of Christ to the people.  And God has been faithful!




This year the Haiti Mission Team of 2017 consisted of 15 women and 4 men from Washington, DC, Hartford, Connecticut, Louisiana, and Dayton, Ohio (totally 19).  This “short term” mission lasted from November 6 - November 13, where we served at Generations of Hope Haiti compound in Tabarre, Haiti (Port au Prince).  This Orphanage was adopted by a Team I was a part of in 2008 and I continue to serve there.  Hallelujah and Thanks Be Unto Our Heavenly Father and the Canadian Team who tirelessly worked on the Missionary Guest for the past three years!!!  The guest house opened for Missionaries in August of this year, and we were all able to stay in the house during our Mission Journey.


We evangelized in the community around the Orphanage where we prayed for some, gave bibles written in French to four young women, and brought several souls to Christ.  Your donations allowed us to provide personal care and comfort items to the Orphans, not only at Generations of Hope (Go Haiti), but also during visits to an Orphanage operated by the Seven Day Adventist Church and one other Orphanage and a school.


On Friday of our week we shared with 10 congregations who meet together at a small church in the mountains. We traveled four hours to worship with them and what a glorious time we had on the mountain top sharing communion with them and worshiping our Lord and Savior.  One of our own Team Members, Rev. Ernest Richard from the DC Team brought a very encouraging Word on “Unity”.  After the worship service was over we shared an offering with each of the Pastor’s and one larger offering for an annual project that the lead Pastor is starting to encourage each Church.  We also took gift supply packages for each person attending the service.


On Saturday we provided a Fun Day and cookout for the children of GOHH, Miss Gisele’s Orphanage, and the school children from the C.M.E. Compound (200 in total).  We had a jump rope station, soccer and basketball stations, potato sack races, a limbo station, bouncy house station, hop scotch station, a cosmetology table, singing, lots of food and fun.  We also gave gift supply packages and pillowcase dresses to each person child, teen and adult.


On Sunday, we had Sunday school and Sunday worship in the Church that Dr. Franco had built on the property. We also left an offering for the Deliverance Tabernacle Church (the local church housed at GOHH), and an offering for the Pastor. 


Our direction this year was to have several workshops and seminars.  Many of the Team Members were asked to prepare for different sessions.  There were sessions on: Vision Casting to the teens, ministering to the girls and men, ministering to the staff at GOHH, a sexual purity session, and there were even some unscheduled ministry sessions on hygiene, etc. 


The children are bathed, teeth brushed, dressed for school and some on the Team got up every morning and helped with that process.  Each morning several of the women and men from the Team walked the children to school.  The oldest teenager at the Orphanage always has her birthday during our week there, so this year she turned 19 and some of us brought gifts for her or purchased gifts for her there.  She had a wonderful birthday!


In addition to all of the supplies (hygiene, toiletries for women ((approx.150 washable sanitary pads)), men and children), we took over two hundred pillowcase dresses which were disbursed at GOHH, the Seven Day Adventist Orphanage, and the school at the CME Compound. A “special” shout out to Girl Scout Troop 30353 from Phillips Temple CME Church in Trotwood, Ohio for their first sewing of pillowcase dresses.  They were awesome!!


Each year the Dr. Franco (founder and President of GOHH) has a focus for us to accomplish if we are able.  This year was to totally renovate the Orphanage House kitchen, and God blessed us to accomplish His mission. The donations we received allowed us to purchase materials to build from scratch kitchen cabinets, additional counter tops, tear out and rebuild the pantry and add doors on it, install ceramic counter tops, install ceramic flooring, paint the whole kitchen, install a new double kitchen sink and faucet and we left money to purchase a new refrigerator.


We thank God for the opportunity, the donations (monetary and supplies), and the love that allowed us to continue this very important Mission Work.  It was so good to see the children and the people of Haiti again, and we left being very blessed by our time there.







New York-Washington Region
Trustees Report


Chairman’s Report
New-Washington Annual Conference
Wilmington, Delaware
July 24-27, 2018




To Bishop James B. Walker & First Lady Delois Walker, Presiding Elders, Officers, Pastors, Clergy, Missionaries, Laity, Members, and Friends.


Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ,


New York-Washington Annual Conference Trustees submits the following report:


There is a continuing effort by the committee on Deeds headed by Rev. Cassandra Perry to see what church properties are in fact owned by the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. So a process is under way to make sure that ALL Deeds are in fact deeded to Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, because what is being discovered is that all the churches are not deeded to the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.


In regards to the St. Mark Christian Methodist Episcopal church located at 1520 N. Marshall Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122 a lawyer has been retained to begin the process to regain possession of that church property. St. Mark Church in Philadelphia was formerly a congregation of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. The church now operates as the Sinai Assemblies of God, by Bishop Nathaniel Brown. So the process is under away to reclaim the building.


Purchase sale agreement between Seventh Episcopal District and MGB Development that initiated on March 16, 2016 for the sale of the property located at 6301Walker Mill Road, Capital Heights, Maryland 20743. All agreements concerning this sale have been finalized as of March 2018.


The Philadelphia District Parsonage is now being evaluated to determine how much should, we continue to invest in this property considering we have already spent over fifty thousand dollars to renovate previously and bids have come in for the mold remediation from four different companies for work that could cost anywhere from seven to twenty-five thousand dollars. Per our last conversation with Bishop Walker we have determined to do some mold remediation and to hire a realtor to do a CMA (comparative market analysis) to determine how much the property is worth.


The Russell Tabernacle CME at 524 Wharton st. Philadelphia, PA has some major structural problems that the city is demanding be addressed. So an architect was hired and an analysis was done that addressed the structural damage around the building to determine what it would cost to repair. There are also some issues with the parsonage concerning the exterior sewage system. Now we are determining next steps for the property.


Respectfully submitted,
William D. McCullough
William D. McCullough
New York-Washington Annual Conference Chairman


Bishop James B. Walker
Presiding Prelate









One Hundred Fiftieth Annual Conference
The New York-Washington Region Lay Ministry Council
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Seventh Episcopal District

Theme: “Mentoring Our Youth for Discipleship”

Scripture verses: “Go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19); Form discipling relationships in which disciplers make intentional investments in teaching others (Hebrews 5:12). “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

Lay Leader Report

Kenneth Thomas















July 24 – July 27, 2018



July 11, 2018

     To Bishop James B. Walker and First Lady, Sister Delois Walker; Presiding Elder, Frederick D. Belcher and Mrs. Deloris Belcher; Presiding Elder Kevin Agee and Sister Gwendolyn Agee; Host Presiding Elder, Dr. Julius Clay and Dr. Denise Clay; Host Pastors: Rev. Tiggs Washington and Rev. Alfred Parker; Lay Leader Emeritus, Sis. Faye McGhee; Immediate Past Region Lay Leader and Connectional Steward, Bro. Freddie McKnight; Region Lay Council, Missionary President, Sandra Chambers and the Missionary Society, local clergy and spouses, delegates, visitors and friends. I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


     I, Kenneth R. Thomas, Regional Lay Leader for the New York-Washington Region, submit the following report to Bishop James B. Walker and Brother Cliff Harris, General Secretary of Lay Ministry, for the 2017-2018 Conference year.
I am honored to present my fifth NY-Washington Region’s Lay Leader‘s Report representing the NY-New England, Philadelphia, and Washington-Virginia districts. Our 2017-2018 Conference Year was full of reflection, prayer, faith and hope. Yet we have remained focus on carrying out our Mission: “To reach, teach, and minister to all of God’s people, equipping them for greater works and service for Him.




I. Region Lay Ministry Council (LMC) Report Highlights 2017-2018




2017 2018
NY-NE (23) 23 23 18 18 18 15 225 250 20 14
Philadelphia (17) 17 17 10 10 10 10 204 250 6 5
Virginia (30) 30 30 16 15 15 15 0 REP EST 250 11 12
Totals 70 70 62 62 48 40 422 679 51 31


NY-NE 200 150 180 95
Philadelphia 5 7 9 6
Totals 250 157 189 101

2017-2018 # MEETINGS HELD


2017…2018 MAINTAIN


NY-NE Yes Yes Ann Qtrly 3…………4 2 1 4 2 YES YES 400 750
PHILA, PA Yes Yes Qtrly Qtrly 3 2 1 1 3 1 YES YES 400 473
WASH, DC No Rep Yes No Rept… 2 1 1 No Rep No rep 6 No Not rep NR 450
TOTAL 2YES 3YES 2 of 3 Qtrly 8 7 4 3 7 10 2Yes 2 YES

2017…2018 # OBSERVING



NY-NE 2/3 3/3 No No Yes Yes 12 24 Yes Yes 12 8 Yes Yes
PHILA, PA 3/3 2/3 No No Yes Yes 8 4 Yes Yes 6 8 Yes…Yes
WASH, DC 2/3 2/3
No No Yes Yes 10 9 YES YES 30 30 Yes Yes
TOTAL 7/9 7/9 All no’s All Yes’s 26 30 All yes’s 48 50 All Yes’s


Conference Leader Reports
2017 --2018 REGULARLY

STEWARD 70/30 40 W/Finance (Wkly);
Steward Bd. (Monthly)
Chrs. of Steward & Trustee Bds. and Pastor (Wkly) at Israel. On target finishing of church renovation for 2020 Yes Yes Helps pastor’s vision become a reality by encouraging tithing/
pledging, using sound accounting practices and working with ministerial staff, etc. to accomplish the goal. Attended and / or participated by Seven Church-related events.
Gave assistance to the needy, visited the homebound etc. Attended 10 CME conferences.ccelebrations workshops
USHER 70/NR NR NR Tried to assemble ushers to no avail NR Hospitality and Welcoming of church attendees Attended Annual Zone One Grand re-opening celebration and Zone Gala
TRUSTEE 70/63 300 Yes NR Yes Support Connectional Church Functions Supports of programs of church/ out reach
FINANCE 70 NA NA NA NA Yes Manage RLMC Account. NR




II. Region Lay Leadership Report



     I continue to work mindfully in being accountable to the church conference through the Region Lay Ministry Council.




• Attended church programs primarily in the Philadelphia District due to access and health limitations; conducted phone calls to the NY-NE and Wash-VA DLMs.
• Fostered support for the role laity plays within the church through ministries and participation in the Pan Methodist and other Christian communities outside the church walls to build partnership and share Christian love for God’s people.
• Collaborated with DLMC to derive a clear perspective on preparing youth for discipleship and leadership as part of investment theology.
• Maintained cross functional contact with all segments of the CME highlighting my love of people and God’s love and grace to all I came in contact with.
• Collaborated and prayed for strengthening of DLM leaders and Conference Presidents’ focus and relationships to make telephone connections with their local church organizations to foster more in-depth connections.
• Championed DLMC and Conference Presidents to UPGRADE their areas for improved outcomes and more precise conference reporting.
• Read broadly CME documents and periodicals, using them to be knowledgeable of our operations and functioning.
• Extended commendations for performances to promote the ministry of lay people throughout the year, including Lay Sunday.
• Continue strengthening the scholarship process and timely submissions of paperwork.
• Highlighted the application of the theology of the “Investment Factor” and am developing ways of unwrapping and delivering investment and back to basic theology for the next quadrennial.
• Held three RLMC E-Conferences to conduct and discuss RLMC business and intermediate contact as needed.
III. Region Lay Leadership Participation and Support Activities:
• August 1-August 5, 2017: Attended the 149th session of the New York-Washington Annual Conference,
hosted by New Bethel CME Church, Rochester, NY where our Annual Conference focus was “Multiplying Disciplines and Adding Churches. Our Lay theme was “Being Investors in Intentional Ministry.” At the Nellie B King Luncheon. Our outstanding speaker, Rev. Tiggs Washington, Pastor of Williams Temple CME Church, Philadelphia, PA spoke on our theme. At the evening program, we presented three $1000.00 scholarships to one graduating senior from each Episcopal District winner who submitted a one page essay on “My Legacy.” These students were fine examples of what God and church mentors are doing to prepare youth for discipleship and a more successful future—all around.
• August 9 – June 13: Took advantage of an opportunity to serve as Assistant Spiritual coach in a United Methodist tween program for personal spiritual growth and exposure to young people and their ways of thinking and behaving
• October 3, 2017: Attended the Black Methodist United Ecumenical Workshop held at Israel Metropolitan Church, Washington, DC. The theme was “A Call to Action, Jobs, and Justice.” Five CME Bishops including Senior Bishop Walker from the College of Bishops attended along with Bishops from the AME and AMEZ Churches. Rev. Dr. Ricky Helton the pastor of Israel was also present. Service touched on the political accoutrements of being a Christian—inspiring and informative.
• November 30, 2017: Attended the Love Feast & Rededication Service sponsored by the New York-Washington Region Missionary Society, Sandra Chambers President. Dr. Judith Grant was the speaker. Service was very inspirational.
• December 1 & 2, 2017: Attended the New York-Washington Region Winter Accounting Meeting under the Quadrennial Theme, “The Investment Factor: A Changed People, Changing The World.” Held at the Sheraton Baltimore North, Towson, MD Bishop Walker , Presiding
• February 18, 2018: Attended and participated as keynote speaker for the 122nd Church Anniversary at Mt. Zion CME Church, Sharon Hill, PA. Bruce Benson, Anniversary Chair, Rev. Alfred Parker, Pastor and Rev, Miranda King was MC.
• February 28, 2018: Lead speaker in a diorama presented at Ezion on the “Role of Children in Fighting Inequality in History” at Ezion Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church in Wilmington.
• March 5, 2018: Attended the Wilmington District Laity Celebration and recognition program for the United Methodist Church, Bear, DE, Rev. Joseph W.A. Archie, III, Superintendent, Karen Stigars Jones, District Lay Leader.
• March 30. 2018: Attended the “7 Witnesses of the Cross,” Good Friday Noon Services “at St. Mathews CME Church, Twin Oaks, PA sponsored by the Philadelphia District Ministerial Alliance, Rev. David Wynn, President, Rev. William Irons, host pastor.
• April 6-7, 2018: Attended and participated in the Convocation and Quadrennial Celebration for Bishop James B. Walker and Mrs. Walker, Held at the Sheraton Baltimore North, MD. Our theme was: “A Touch of Love.” I co-chaired the Program Committee.
• April 8, 2018: Attended St. Mathew CME Church “Ushers Annual Day” Theme: “A church where relationships matter.” Rev. Silvester Beaman, speaker, Bethel AME, Church, Wilmington, DE.
• April 13, 2018: Attended Evangelism training session, sponsored by Ezion Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church Evangelism ministry who offered training open to the public and led by Rev. Thomas Hall on staff at the Sunday Breakfast Mission. The goal was to learn ways to engage with those who have strayed from faith, those who are not saved in the Wilmington, DE area, and address the effects of poverty on those who experience it. Rev. Dr. Vernon Bryant, pastor. Also served as an evangelism counselor to those coming to the mission for service. Impactful and humbling.
• April 14, 2018: Attended and participated in Mt. Zion CME Church’s Steward and Stewardess Board Annual Day Celebration. Bruce Benson, Chair, Steward Board. Sharon. Hill, PA.
• April 16 – May 14: Enrolled and participated in a series of classes on two subjects: “Vital Conversations about Racism” and “Social Practices” both critical issues for Christians in our times. These classes were led by Rev. Dr. Greer and Rev. Arrington and the latter by Rev. Archie. Informative ways of looking at and talking about issues of our times, thought provoking and meaningful for laity.
• April 27-28: Attended and participated in the Philadelphia District Conference, held at Calvary CME Church, Jersey City, NJ. Participated in the Lay Luncheon Award Program. Bruce Benson, Philadelphia District Lay Leader, Rev. Dr. Julius C. Clay, and Presiding Elder. It was an outstanding program with great participation.
• May 3-4, 2018: Attended the New York-New England District Conference held at West End Tabernacle CME Church, Bridgeport, CT. Also attended the Lay Luncheon, Theme: “Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World.” Well attended conference and great participation. Sister Earlee Green, Host Lay Leader, Walter Oliver, NY-New England District Lay Leader, Rev. Alfred W. Jones, 3rd host pastor.
• June 22-29, 2018: Attended the 38th Quadrennial Session & 39th General Conference, as a delegate from the New York-Washington Region, held in Birmingham, Ala. Conference was well attended with outstanding preaching, teaching, and singing of the choirs and the completion of the resolutions. Great job to the College of Bishops, Host Bishop Teresa Jefferson-Snorton and the people of the Fifth Episcopal District.
IV. Recommendations
• Report on the operations of the 46 local CME Churches so that wider voices are shared and more local people participate in District Lay and Conference Presidents reports on the fine things they are doing.
• Partner DLMC with Local Lay leaders to share and capture what is being done on the quadrennial and other themes.
• Clarify what the Conference Presidents are supposed to do with their lay counterpoints.
• Mail all 2019 RLMC Report forms to Lay Leader in December; investigate posting a web page to facilitate responses.
• Enhance statistical gathering and posting.
• Encourage active engagement with the conference theme and follow through in the districts for the conference year.
• Prompt local mentors to encourage graduating seniors to apply for the NBK Scholarship.
• Ask RLMC lay and Conference Presidents to report spiritual events that tell the stories of how our Zion is investing in our members and stories of success and growth.
• Encourage Local Lay Leaders at each local church to find and mentor for discipleship 2 youth per church over the next conference year.  




Respectfully submitted,

Kenneth R. Thomas, New York-Washington Region Lay Leader








Women’s Missionary Society

New York Washington Region




     On behalf of the New York-Washington Region Women’s Missionary Society, I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am excited to share a summary of our work for this past conference year.


     We began 2017/2018 by offering our support to our local churches with the “True Blue Program” observance on Sunday, November 26, 2017.  Missionaries wore royal blue to show our support for our local churches general fund. The program is designed to encourage ALL women at the local church to donate towards the yearly General Claims of their local church.


     The New York/ Washington Region Women’s Missionary 2017-2018 Institute and Planning Meeting convened at the Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel, 903 Delaney Valley Rd., Towson, MD November 29-30, 2017.  Our theme was “Kingdom Women: Missionaries Operating Under the Authority of God in His Kingdom”.

Institute participants received 16 hours in workshop training which included the “2017-2018Women’s Missionary Council Study, Kingdom Women”, “The Resolution Process”, the “Duties and Responsibilities of the Missionary at the Local Church” and the evening message, from Rev. Yvette Henderson was “Freedom in the Kingdom” from the Book of Luke 8:1-3.


     It was exciting to be in Kingsport, Tennessee in attendance at the 2018 Executive Board as the Women’s Missionary Council, Celebrating 100 Years and Embracing the Future in February.  With the support of the NY Washington Region Missionaries, Laity and Clergy, our Region received the following awards: (1) the Apple Award which is awarded to Regions that contributed $4000.00 or more to support the Helena B. Cobb and Princes Ann Pegues Save Our Sons (SOS) Scholarships; (2) most improved Missionary Messenger Subscriptions; and (3) the highest number of ads for the souvenir journal.  

The Region continues to support the National Council of Negro Women and attended the Annual Affiliates Assembly on September 22-23 2017 in Washington, D.C.

As a part of the “Social Justice Summer” program, on June 11-12, 2018, the Missionaries of the New York Washington and Carolina Regions joined together to support “Lobby Day” on Capitol Hill and met with legislators to advocate for the end of hunger by 2030.  I also participated in the Pan-African American Ecumenical Faith Group.

The Region completed its second year of monthly prayer conference calls where we lift up the New York Washington Region Annual Conference, the leaders of our church, community, social concerns, families, children and youth.


     To end this Annual Conference year, we will honor members of the New York Washington Conference that are 85 years and older for their services to the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.  Our goal for the Lena B. Jones Rice $100 March is 700 marchers.

As always, we thank each of you for your commitment, support and love to the Women’s Missionary Society.  To God Be the Glory for His continuous blessings!





Yours in Joy, Love of Christ

Sandra Renee’ Chambers

Sandra Renee’ Chambers, President

New York Washington Region

Women’s Missionary Society








Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

Seventh Episcopal District

New York – Washington Region

Board of Evangelism

Rev. Cynthia Johnson-Oliver, Director

Bishop James B. Walker, Presiding Bishop





Churches in the Seventh Episcopal District are invited to participate in Social Justice Summer, a call to action to people of faith and congregations to study, preach, organize, and take action on important social justice issues of our time. Social Justice Summer 2018 consists of a book study of Just Mercy, a sermon series on social justice, a small group discussion guide, and an invitation to engage in at least one social justice action. Social Justice Summer combines evangelism, discipleship, and social justice to help local congregations offer meaningful, relevant ministry in their communities and to participate in our national dialogue on difficult social justice issues.

Social Justice Summer is offered through partnership with the Seventh Episcopal District and the FaithJustice Foundation, a new nonprofit started by Rev. Cynthia Johnson-Oliver with a grant from the United Methodist General Commission on Religion and Race. For more information, visit

As of today, 16 churches, including 9 CME churches, have submitted online registration for this pilot year, which is still underway. Evaluation and feedback will be obtained to develop a larger program for next year.





The following recommendations will be implemented most effectively once a regional board of evangelism is fully constituted. The “Regional Board of Evangelism is to include in its membership Presiding Elders, one pastor and one lay member for each district…the Missionary President, the Region CYF president, and the Conference Director of Evangelism.” (Book of Discipline 1103.1) The collaborative nature of these opportunities will be enhanced by intergenerational planning and feedback.



  • ADVENT CONSPIRACY: Churches are invited to consider the Advent Conspiracy, both a book and “a global movement of people and churches resisting the cultural Christmas narrative of consumption by choosing a revolutionary Christmas.” The four tenets, which can be explored in a sermon series, are Worshipping Fully, Spending Less, Giving More, and Loving All. Advent Conspiracy includes a book, DVD, sermon series, and suggestions for making the season more spiritually focused on love and justice. Visit for more information.


  • LOCAL CHURCH LENTEN STUDIES: After two successful regional Lenten studies, churches are invited to continue Lenten studies at their local congregations. The Director of Evangelism is available to recommend book studies, curricula, and other ways to deepen discipleship during the season of Lent.


  • FRIENDSHIP EVANGELISM: After similarly successful experiences with Friendship Evangelism, churches are invited to continue this program as a way to extend outreach during the season of Lent.


  • SOCIAL JUSTICE SUMMER 2019: Social Justice Summer 2019 will be a national call to action building on the experience and lessons learned during this pilot year. SJS will once again offer a social justice book study, sermon series, small group discussion, and social justice action. SJS 2019 seeks to be a collaborative movement across regional departments and inviting other churches to join the conversation. Social Justice Summer will again integrate evangelism, discipleship, and social justice, reminding people of faith to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.” For information, visit








                                        CHRISTIAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH

                                        NEW YORK-WASHINGTON REGION

                                         Board of Christian Education & Formation




July 24, 2018



To Bishop James B. Walker, Lady Delois Walker, Presiding Elders, Clergy, Lay, Christian Educators, Delegates and Members:


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our Risen Savior!



Our Year in Review

The Regional Board of Christian Education has gone through a major overhaul of our existing practices. We entered the conference year excited about improving our ministry and extending our reach to fellow Christian Educators.  A new social media presence was added as a means to connect with persons who have a heart for Christian Education but weren’t plugged into the existing board. New regional monthly conference calls and newsletters allowed us to consistently share news and information about upcoming events.  


In April, we sponsored a Christian Educators Institute offering training for leaders in various areas of Christian Education. For the first time in years, we distributed Annual Conference registration information during Spring Convocation. We had a department promotional table to share registration information and obtain local church Christian Education contacts. As a bonus for those churches who completed the form, we offered 3 FREE annual conference registrations.


This Week’s Activities

For Annual Conference, our Christian Education program will focus on the theme THRIVE: Digging Deep – Reaching Out. Our team has planned a dynamic conference that will stretch us as we Dig Deep in our relationship with God and Reach Out to others.  Proverbs 16:3 (AMP) declares toRoll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed”. Our main components will remain the same however, we have added a Young Adult Track, Chaperone Track, and Adult Christian Education Choir to name a few.  Special attention was given to update and create forms that can be used on all levels to ensure we are covered from potential lawsuits. This year, we are introducing a permission slip, medical release form and a medical fact sheet.


Rebranding Our Ministry

A new regional Christian Education logo was designed to accompany our ministry facelift. Our logo will create a visual reminder of the foundation of our work, which is the Word of God. It’s important during this overhaul to enhance our presence while embracing the department name change that was approved during General Conference last month. Our regional ministry will now be known as Christian Education and Formation



Our Leadership Team

During this conference year, our leadership team has experienced change and growth. Rev.

Cyreeta Collins was appointed as Regional Assistant Director which caused a vacancy in our Youth Ministry. We welcome Sis. Aunya Grimsley and Sis. Bria McCullough to the team as Co-Directors of our Youth Ministry. These two young adults come with years of experience. Sis. Grimsley currently works in the Social Service field while Sis. McCullough is a High School English Teacher.  Sis. Dallis Gerald, a recent College graduate majoring in Early Childhood Education, will official serve as Assistant Director for our Children’s Ministry.  In an effort to equip our chaperones for Connectional Youth and Young Adult Conference 2020 (CYYAC 2020) and beyond, we welcome Rev. Marilyn Gerald and Sis. Wanda Glass as Chaperone Coordinators. They will provide professional development for chaperones.


We ask that you keep our director, Rev. Dr. Weldon Thomas and family in your prayers during his time of healing. His continued mentoring and support has allowed this assistant director to assume more director responsibilities while allowing him time to focus on his health. 


On behalf of Dr. Weldon Thomas and the Regional Board of Christian Education & Formation, we thank you for your continued support of our work. We are THRIVING in Christian Education while going back to the basics!




Humbly submitted by this servant leader,

Rev. Cyreeta Collins, Regional Assistant Director

on behalf of Dr. Weldon Thomas, Regional Director




Creation date: Jul 12, 2018 5:43am     Last modified date: Jul 21, 2018 5:13pm   Last visit date: Dec 29, 2024 4:24pm
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