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Learn more about THE MIND OF A DISCIPLE seminar


One of our elders has spent years researching what is most successful in training Christians to become better disciples.


And our speaker, Chuck Madden, has been involved with the most successful discipleship ministry he's found in the U.S. They have over 500 people a semester go through their training. All of the leaders are home grown.


This morning seminar is just in time for our New Year Resolutions. It's on the 2nd Saturday in January.


Save some money and help us out plan for the food, by signing up now. Either on the Connections card, on the website, or at the table after the service.

Creation date: Dec 13, 2015 8:54am     Last modified date: Dec 13, 2015 8:54am   Last visit date: Aug 30, 2024 8:11am
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